Whats your "mission impossible"? (you can have more than one)
1. Getting up early - i hate it.
2. Bus'
3. Breaking the habbit
Quote by foxylady 123
tis ok but thanks awwwwwwwww
she really is grounded!! ffs a 10 year old jumping up and down screaming at me throwing a tantrum!! I think NOT!!
Quote by ockysweeties
Mission Most Definitley Impossible:
1. Making a living off my paintings and nothing else
2. (realizing number 1 is a pipe dream): Making a liviging as a freelance graphic designer.
3. Shrinking my butt/losing weight... just doesn't happen.
(and brussel sprouts DO rock. yumyum)
Quote by Mav&Sini
Mission Most Definitley Impossible:
1. Making a living off my paintings and nothing else
2. (realizing number 1 is a pipe dream): Making a liviging as a freelance graphic designer.
3. Shrinking my butt/losing weight... just doesn't happen.
(and brussel sprouts DO rock. yumyum)