Hi Guys
Just like to say thank you to Tulip for organsing the evening, even though she couldn't find her own event!!! :shock:
Great to meet some 'old' friends and some new ones too!
Quote by Sarah
(Note:- to all those who failed to attend without a good reason, I have asked Tulip for a list of no shows and if you are on the Nottingham Munch list, you WILL be removed to the reserve list and your place given to others.)
Quote by essex34m
MK was my first social, and thoroughly enjoyed it, everybody made it very welcoming and relaxed, i cant thank you all enough
I'm being lazy today, so i wont put all the names of the people i did meet and chat with, you all know who you are, and am really glad i have met you, i do hope it wont be a one off
Id like to thank Tulip for such a great night, without her, it wouldnt have happened
To one person in particular, you really made an impression on me, really answered any doubts i had on whether i had a place in this community, and although you frightened me shitless, you havent driven me away, my mind may be broken, my spriit cant be stopped (please, nobody ask me who or what this piece of bollocks is about, i will talk only when i want to)
Again, thank you all for such a great night, heres to my next one
Quote by Ice Pie
Angel - So what am I doing, commuting all bloody night?
Quote by Angel Chat
Angel - So what am I doing, commuting all bloody night?