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Mobile phone down the loo

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The topic says it all. I'm down with a motherfrenchconnection of a cold and last night I dropped my phone down the toilet. I didn't actually notice it until this morning. I do remember something moving in my dressing gown pocket last time I peed them, but didn't suspct the phone fell in.
Now the phone's bogged. Um, is there anyway I can fix it, or is really pished?
I bourght it from a work colleague 2 yrs ago, so claiming anything is not an option. It was such a lovely phone. Stylish, simple, did exactly what t said on the tin - none of this fancy picture MSG, WAP crap you get these days.
What's more I'm choking on my sore throat. Really feeling down the drain (no pun intended)
oh dear, about 17 views, but not a single post. waste of forum space, sorrreeeeee! How do I delete this topic?
Get the battery out of it and leave it somewhere to dry out for a few days, prefrably somehere warm with a dry atmosphere like an airing cupboard. Change the position of it a couple of times so any water that's trapped stands a chance of moving.
Make sure there's no corrosion on the terminals of the phone or the battery, plug the battery back in and switch on.
Good luck.
You can't delete a new topic in here. Only a mod can do that. wink
God i bet that hurt when you passed that lol
Quote by secretmaccamslag
The topic says it all. I'm down with a motherfrenchconnection of a cold and last night I dropped my phone down the toilet. I didn't actually notice it until this morning. I do remember something moving in my dressing gown pocket last time I peed them,)
well if ya peed them give ya knickers a (w)ring lol
done the same before but straight out of my top pocket into pint glass, perfect shot too! sorry cant help tho, mine was totally buggered.
Lol, wilki, I passed a ceiling-cracking scream, so much I couldn't pass anywater int he morning, i was so upset! (sorry too much info)
Aha? So it's savable? It's been there 12+ hours you know, Okay, I've just opened the back, removed ther battery. There's a little blue bit, around the metallic bits - is that a sign of corrosion? I noticed thewater trapped in the window LCD bit has drained, but that blue stuff does look like corrosian. Thanks a lot for helping out.
Don't talk to me about dropping Phone down toilet......and i hadn't even flushed yet and it was a number two!!
necple, lol, I didn't think anyone noticed my little grammatical error there! Hehe! Snog to you.
But also a snog to easy from manchester for counselling me. The shock is incredible, I was only saying last night how much I loved the phone for many reasons. I don't another one, I want that one, mummy!
LOL "@ 'give them a (w)ring" - very witty! I just got that. Another snog!
oh well im a smart arse and have a springy clip type thing so if it does fall out it kindly rebounds and smacks me in the face and reminds me ..err hello im not in the pocket
Quote by secretmaccamslag
Lol, wilki, I passed a ceiling-cracking scream, so much I couldn't pass anywater int he morning, i was so upset! (sorry too much info)
Aha? So it's savable? It's been there 12+ hours you know, Okay, I've just opened the back, removed ther battery. There's a little blue bit, around the metallic bits - is that a sign of corrosion? I noticed thewater trapped in the window LCD bit has drained, but that blue stuff does look like corrosian. Thanks a lot for helping out.

Thats blue stuff wouldn't be corrosion....that gets released when phone gets wet so if you try to say its just stopped working they can then say it got wet didn't it!
It's doubtfull that the blue you can see is corrosion at this early stage and is more likely residual toilet cleaning chemicals that will definately harm your phone if not washed out. Can I suggest putting it into the washing machine on a short wash at no more than 90 degrees to remove the chemicals from it and then drying it as Easy suggested........oh and drop it into a sock first so that the phone isn't damaged when it goes on spin cycle.
I know someone who did that (she got it out straight away though). Her dad dried it out and took it to Carphone Warehouse and said it wouldn't charge. She'd got it for Christmas and dropped it down the toilet on Boxing Day, said she hadn't used it yet. They replaced it.
Rachel-lane, you're not allowed on my thread - you're too much of a smart arse. Are you trying tomake me look like a muppet? You and your bungee-jumping phones.
Dave, and everyone, I can't go and say this or that to anyone, I bought it from a colleague 2 yrs ago, so if it isn't fixable and reliable and working again, I'll have to raise a money collection on here, so you lot can buy me a new one. That IS the tradition to welcome in newbies isnt it? I saw it in the terminology section ...
I almost started takign notes down with the washing machine suggestion, tsch. ...So if it's still damp inside after a few days, and i put the battery back in, will I get an electric shock? ..........Jokingggggggg!
I just came back from a pee to edit this, made sure I didn't drop my brain in it! Actually, didn't King Geroge 3rd die from blue pee? A sign of what was it? Mental Illness? Oh I doing a King George? Anyway thanks to all for responding, I was hoping I might be able to salvage it, I shall follow the Easy from Mnachester advice.
Quote by secretmaccamslag
Rachel-lane, you're not allowed on my thread - you're too much of a smart arse. Are you trying tomake me look like a muppet? You and your bungee-jumping phones.
Dave, and everyone, I can't go and say this or that to anyone, I bought it from a colleague 2 yrs ago, so if it isn't fixable and reliable and working again, I'll have to raise a money collection on here, so you lot can buy me a new one. That IS the tradition to welcome in newbies isnt it? I saw it in the terminology section ...

if thats the case i want my tits doing ...holds hand out lol
Rachel-lane, Oi! get back of queue, the money collection started here! (er, is that what you were talking about? Sorry I'm still PTS)
Quote by secretmaccamslag
I just came back from a pee to edit this, made sure I didn't drop my brain in it! Actually, didn't King Geroge 3rd die from blue pee? A sign of what was it? Mental Illness? Oh I doing a King George?

No, he had porphyria. One of the symptoms can be passing red urine. It didnt kill him str8 away, made him crazy and blind first. smile
Quote by veejay
I just came back from a pee to edit this, made sure I didn't drop my brain in it! Actually, didn't King Geroge 3rd die from blue pee? A sign of what was it? Mental Illness? Oh I doing a King George?

No, he had porphyria. One of the symptoms can be passing red urine. It didnt kill him str8 away, made him crazy and blind first. smile
Ah but did he drop his mobile down the toilet at any time?
secretmaccamslag your phone may recover but unlikely, mine was drwoned by a kettle of boiling water, and never got up again until I had it repaired.
:dry: dunno
Quote by secretmaccamslag
I just came back from a pee to edit this, made sure I didn't drop my brain in it! Actually, didn't King Geroge 3rd die from blue pee? A sign of what was it? Mental Illness? Oh I doing a King George? Anyway thanks to all for responding, I was hoping I might be able to salvage it, I shall follow the Easy from Mnachester advice.

King George 3 is suspected of dying from porphyria. Well that's teh theory this week. rolleyes
TBH the phone's probably buggered, especially if it was on at the time, but give the cupboard thing a go, it's not going to hurt.
The corrosion will usually show itself as a kind of "fur" on the terminals, a bit like when batteries leak in a radio or remote.
Looking forward to my snog now..... :happy: :bounce: :happy: :bounce: :happy: :bounce: :happy: :bounce: :happy: :bounce: :happy: :bounce: :happy: :bounce:
Quote by secretmaccamslag
The topic says it all. I'm down with a motherfrenchconnection of a cold and last night I dropped my phone down the toilet. I didn't actually notice it until this morning. I do remember something moving in my dressing gown pocket last time I peed them, but didn't suspct the phone fell in.
Now the phone's bogged. Um, is there anyway I can fix it, or is really pished?
I bourght it from a work colleague 2 yrs ago, so claiming anything is not an option. It was such a lovely phone. Stylish, simple, did exactly what t said on the tin - none of this fancy picture MSG, WAP crap you get these days.
What's more I'm choking on my sore throat. Really feeling down the drain (no pun intended)

I nearly did that on the coach back from Sheffield on Monday, just about managed to catch it in time. Those coach loo's are far too bloody small. I got as far as Victoria and decided to get the train to Brighton, thats me and coaches finished now. Bloody things!!
Rant over!! biggrin
porphyria shclorphria indeed - who invited the really clever ones here?! Yay impressed. My mobile is currently dehydrating in the airing cupboard. If it's kapoot, then I'm suing the makers of Royal Doulton for mobile-ism. Such discrimination indeed. Still so upset by the event. Surely repairing it will cost a lot? Anyway thanks everyone for the response. I shall NEVER wear it in a flimsey nightgown pocket ever again. (sob)
I would have to ask , does the demonstration of knowledge on drying toliet drenched phones displayed on this thread correlate in any way with the amount time spent in toilet cubicles by the advise givers ?
Go girl! You tell 'em - the filthy phone toilet users. I rest my own case defending that I had it in my pocket at the time, but a flimsey night gown. And why was I wearing a flimsy night gown during daytime hours in a toilet? M'lud, I am down with a rotten cold and in PJ's the whole day. Case adjourned andjeau undeau.
Oop,s my London topic has been locked. Did I do something wrong? I did delete the REALLY long URL that I pasted, becasue it made the page really wide. I'f i've goofed up, tell me, so I'll know in future.
Edit - I've just seen it was becasue I pasted an URL that it got locked. How stupid of me. Very Sorry Mods, I won't do that again.
Quote by secretmaccamslag
porphyria shclorphria indeed - who invited the really clever ones here?! Yay impressed. My mobile is currently dehydrating in the airing cupboard. If it's kapoot, then I'm suing the makers of Royal Doulton for mobile-ism. Such discrimination indeed. Still so upset by the event. Surely repairing it will cost a lot? Anyway thanks everyone for the response. I shall NEVER wear it in a flimsey nightgown pocket ever again. (sob)

There's pockets in flimsy nightgowns....... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Why would you need pockets in flimsy nightgowns? confused :? :? :? :? dunno
TBH water is usually a killer for anything electrical. Countess (my Mrs) got soaked to the bone in a really heavy rainstorm last year and fried her mobile. Couple of days in the cupboard saw it up and running again, but it had reduced the signal strength. Ended up buying her a new one. rolleyes
Dontcha know nuttin? the pockets in flimsey nightgowns are there to er keep extra lube and condoms and mascara and lippy er during those critical moments in lust. Actually no idea why it's got pockets. Tsch, I just put my hand in it to find my mobile. It's not there. ... . sigh....
You said: '...water is usually a killer for anything electrical' . I was just about to go downstairs to put the kettle on. Shall I not put water in it then? I'm sorry, but I'm paranoid about electricals and water now.
I guess you've probably given up by now and consigned the phone off to the scrap heap; but just in case you haven't, before you try drying it out take off the covers and give the thing a damn good rinse in distilled water, the type of stuff us guys have to use in our irons and things will do fine. You can get it from car spares places. Then dry it slowly for about a week and if it doesn't work then place it in a hot oven and watch it turn into an artistic blob !!
NO!!!! Don't do that there may be some explosive bits in it particularly the battery.
Take it to a phone shop and ask them to dispose of it in an environmentally friendly way.
Or you could just flush it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
must admit to hating mobile phones , i think they should all go down the bog !! :idea: :idea: i know , i`ll put that in my election manifesto , thanks for the idea secretmaccamslag wink xxxxxxxx
I wonder if your mobile phone will now play an extract from Handel's Water Music every time it rings?
Seriously though, I hope your phone turns out to be alright.
Ive sent you a pm about this, but i meant it to be a post, i lost my brain somewhere on the M62 this evening, if you see it could you pick it up and post it too me please!