So there I was sitting on the bus coming home from work when this girl takes my pic with her mobile as she is getting off.
I was stuck in the crowd but jumped off at the next stop to try and catch her. But she was gone.
Now im confused
Did she take it because she liked me
Did she take it because I was the geek
Should i really be bovered
any ideas
does it really matter? Chances you won't see her ever again.. but I can empathise with the worry.. I would be wondering if my fly is undone or my skirt is hitched up and tucked into my panties,,,
rude of her though
Thing is i have just started work today after being out for 6 months so I may see her again on the bus tomorrow
get back to the bus everday at same time --- find her by any means necessary and either --- ???
1. shag her if she likes u
2. sue her if she doesn't for invasion of privacy !!
was thinking of some pay back and if I see here again take a pic of her
do you have a big spot on your nose ???
well you knows what they say about guys with big noses....
im new here what do they say
i have been about a bit, but no ex wife's or kids anywhere that could be chasing me.
I hope i catch up with her im prepared now and will find out what she is up to on our next meeting.
i will kep you all informed
was she there on the bus today?
Found my Mobile Phone Girl
Well I found her last night on the same bus, this time round she gave me a smile, so I jumped off teh bus at teh same stop and said hello.
Nice girl, Jenny, 25 years old, We had a drink and im seeig her again on friday.
'Why did she take the photo' - I hear you ask
Her answer ' it got you to talk to me did'nt it'
Well she was right there so lets see what happens from here.
How long before the idea is turned into a Rom Com movie?