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Mobile speed cameras grr

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Okay not swinging related in the slightest, but could somebody tell me how they work?
If one is parked on the right hand side of the road, with the camera pointing out the back, would it get the cars on its side driving away from it, or on the otherside of the road approching it?
I'd assume the ones on the same side of the road....because if it was aiming for the ones in the far lane...the cars in the near lane would get in the way.
Usually it's for the ones approaching the rear of the car.
they bounce a laser or radar signal off the car a couple of times and compare the times takes to recieve the signals. the distance is calculated from these times.
The maned ones prefer to take pictures of cars that approach them as then there is no confusion as to who is driving. wink
Quote by easy
The maned ones prefer to take pictures of cars that approach them as then there is no confusion as to who is driving. wink

except that motorcyclists cannot be identified from the front, and basic human rights mean everyone must be treated equally...
simple answer, slow the f$*k down!!! in my opinion, going as fast as you like on dual carriageways is fine, if you hit anything, it shouldn't be there. but slow down on small lanes and in built up areas (which is where speed, sorry "safety" cameras are now being used) because if you hit something there, then it could be a child playing ball.
I got busted 2 times and its a real pisser. I always stay opn the same routes when I drive and obey the signs on a new one.
Quote by duncanlondon
I got busted 2 times and its a real pisser. I always stay opn the same routes when I drive and obey the signs on a new one.

because it's not breaking the law if you have technique...
it may be a pisser, but the one thing you can say about speed cameras, they don't pick on people lol :borg: unless you're particularly photogenic I guess...
Quote by Notts4Fun
Okay not swinging related in the slightest, but could somebody tell me how they work?
If one is parked on the right hand side of the road, with the camera pointing out the back, would it get the cars on its side driving away from it, or on the otherside of the road approching it?

The mobile units are usually aiming at traffic coming towards them although they are normally on the same side of the road but it depends on the logisitics of where they're being sited.
Simple answer is don't speed on residential or semi residential roads (where they usually are), and if you do choose to speed don't moan if you get caught. If you decide to exceed the limit be prepared to live with the consequences!
If you really need to drive like a loony, I can highly recommend going on track days! biggrin
Trouble is traffic cameras are falable, like the gentleman in a white van who was "caught" doing 136MPH in standing traffic.
Wonder how many other people have just paid the fine when they have done nothing wrong.
Bottom line is always money not peoples lives. If the government were really worried about the number of people killed and injured (which has increased since cameras were introduced according to one set of statistics recently published), then we'd have more human beings stopping drivers and not computers dishing out fines automatically.
ive been caught with a mobile forward facing cam bout 10mths ago :doh: not arsed as my car looked kewl on it and its only my second in 10yrs! lol was a dual carriage way before you all rant at me flipa and lucy is right about bikes but the powers above are trying to bring a law in for plates on the front of bikes :cry: like that will catch on!
Quote by chunkyknob2
ive been caught with a mobile forward facing cam bout 10mths ago :doh: not arsed as my car looked kewl on it and its only my second in 10yrs! lol was a dual carriage way before you all rant at me flipa and lucy is right about bikes but the powers above are trying to bring a law in for plates on the front of bikes :cry: like that will catch on!

Just wondering how they're going to mount them? Lethal blade style (the reason the old way of mounting them on the front stoneguard was abandoned), maybe a mice sticky sheet over the screen or headlight? What about a 20cm x 20cm piece of plastic over your "ram-air" intake? Also doubles as a way of restricting the bikes performance. :thumbup: rolleyes
Quote by easy
ive been caught with a mobile forward facing cam bout 10mths ago :doh: not arsed as my car looked kewl on it and its only my second in 10yrs! lol was a dual carriage way before you all rant at me flipa and lucy is right about bikes but the powers above are trying to bring a law in for plates on the front of bikes :cry: like that will catch on!

Just wondering how they're going to mount them? Lethal blade style (the reason the old way of mounting them on the front stoneguard was abandoned), maybe a mice sticky sheet over the screen or headlight? What about a 20cm x 20cm piece of plastic over your "ram-air" intake? Also doubles as a way of restricting the bikes performance. :thumbup: rolleyes
Or rivet them to the motorcyclists helmet biggrin
alternatively, cut out the middle man, when purchasing a bike, instead of letting you have one, just catapault the cutomer into a wall at 120mph, and send them straight to hospital lol
sorry all...not a bike fan...
Quote by lucyuktv2
ive been caught with a mobile forward facing cam bout 10mths ago :doh: not arsed as my car looked kewl on it and its only my second in 10yrs! lol was a dual carriage way before you all rant at me flipa and lucy is right about bikes but the powers above are trying to bring a law in for plates on the front of bikes :cry: like that will catch on!

Just wondering how they're going to mount them? Lethal blade style (the reason the old way of mounting them on the front stoneguard was abandoned), maybe a mice sticky sheet over the screen or headlight? What about a 20cm x 20cm piece of plastic over your "ram-air" intake? Also doubles as a way of restricting the bikes performance. :thumbup: rolleyes
Or rivet them to the motorcyclists helmet biggrin
alternatively, cut out the middle man, when purchasing a bike, instead of letting you have one, just catapault the cutomer into a wall at 120mph, and send them straight to hospital lol
sorry all...not a bike fan...
lol you forgot to add the side impact injury car passenger and the scrap dealers collecting the wreckage
soz for that, but after having a kwak1300gpz turbo penetrate 38 inches into the side of my car and missing my 7mnth daughter in her car seat by less than 4 inches, motor bikes at speed make me cranky
hi easy smile dont know how they intend to do it. like you say a hot knife through butter style doesnt appeal! lucy....lucy only 120mph lol at 120! changing into top gear then :haha: i got collared in my car mad kristof sorry to here about your accident :cry: doesnt bear thinking about! personally speaking residential areas are just that. no excuses there tend to play on motorways and tracks where everyone is going the same way (hopefully) :shock: for information purposes 98% of police forces work on a 10%+2 rule. this is to eliminate a faulty speedo ie 30 limit = 30+10%(33)+2=35. some forces do +3 but not sure which so unwise to quote really.
Well, im expecting 3 points and a fine to come through the post in a few days then.
Wasn't driving recklessly at all! i was taking my gran out for a birthday treat! i was doing 40/42ish in a 30, that would definantly be more suitable as a 40, but hey i know i dont make the rules.
Came down the hill, then didnt notice the fecking thing on the otherside of the road with its doors open at me till i was 20 meters from the fecking thing!
Quote by Notts4Fun
Well, im expecting 3 points and a fine to come through the post in a few days then.
Wasn't driving recklessly at all! i was taking my gran out for a birthday treat! i was doing 40/42ish in a 30, that would definantly be more suitable as a 40, but hey i know i dont make the rules.
Came down the hill, then didnt notice the fecking thing on the otherside of the road with its doors open at me till i was 20 meters from the fecking thing!

there's a bit like that in pompey, where it's only a 30 limit because tossers kept crossing the road which is a dual carriageway, rather than walking 100yards to a crossing. these people died or got injured so they slowed the traffic down and put up a speed camera.
but unfair limits is still no excuse to speed biggrin