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Moderators in the chat room

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Please can we have some common sense please on the chat room. I was helping someone this evening as a matter of politeness.
I posted a url that was refering to travel news on the BBC. I can appriecate that the rule of urls are created to stop spammers and the like. But i would have thought that a bbc webpage isnt the same angle as a spammers url. To what end cant we refer to web content t appart from cutting and pasting the whole page on the room!
I think the moderators concerned showed lack of exprience and wisdom, even more so i when was kicked from the room. I feel otherwise the use of a chatroom and the topics concerning what the site is about is worthless if the attidude is as such.
Im sure ill be flamed for this, but hey hoe i live by the sword.
You'd be better off sending an email to the chatroom people - not many of them (??) come on here at this time cos they're busy in the chatroom!
As for your moan - them's the rules! The SysOps are probably way too busy to check out the url you posted. Be sensible and act within the rules, why not ask to speak to one of the SysOps in private BEFORE you post the url next time?? That way all 'nonsense' can be avoided.
What a waste of your first post here too - we're not a sounding board for moans and groans, tell us something positive.
I can see your point Craigzzz......... you were passing on useful info.... certainly on the forum where all links are checked by the mods a BBC info website would be all fine and dandy. We have links to all sorts of useful (and useless lol ) info throughout the posts on here. As long as the links are not to pay sites and the like, we are happy for people to post urls if they are useful and relevant to other users. However, the chat room is a different environment entirely. Although I'm a mod on the forum I am not on the chat room and in fact have very little to do with it. The text moves too fast for me to think! Maybe that is why the chat room rules are that no urls can be posted whatsoever. As Jags says, the Ops would not be able to check them all, useful or not, so it is easier and safer just to ban them all point blank. Yes, it might seem unfair, but looking at it that way, does it not make some sense? You definately should contact the Ops and explain.... maybe with your explanation they will UNban you?
Thanks for your reply, Yes take the points, with this particular moderator i was accused also of not accepting a B**(*ing from a female. Thi s was ungrossly unfair and thats why i felt i needed to post here, in the hope that someone can liisten without bias.
Regarding the point about posting urls as a technicality i accept the rule, as im aware of it now.
I regards to my first posting and to flame it as unposititve again i feel this is feeding a negative with another negative isnt really helping the point!.
Anyhow i have posted this to the chatroom email address.
On a positive, good site, im thumbs up keep up the good worksmile
Ah, but you got the postives FIRST.... more than we got!! lol
Glad to hear you're sorting it out through the 'proper' channels. Hope it works out!
Quote by craigzzz
Please can we have some common sense please on the chat room. I was helping someone this evening as a matter of politeness.
I posted a url that was refering to travel news on the BBC. I can appriecate that the rule of urls are created to stop spammers and the like. But i would have thought that a bbc webpage isnt the same angle as a spammers url. To what end cant we refer to web content t appart from cutting and pasting the whole page on the room!
I think the moderators concerned showed lack of exprience and wisdom, even more so i when was kicked from the room. I feel otherwise the use of a chatroom and the topics concerning what the site is about is worthless if the attidude is as such.
Im sure ill be flamed for this, but hey hoe i live by the sword.

It might have been a script kick - an ONTEXT rule that automatically reacts to "www".
Scripts are the ruin of IRC because they are indiscriminate and the people using them usually didn't write them and don't understand them; they just copy them, stick on their @, and to hell with the consequences. They create more problems than they solve and they're why I seldom say anything in a room that's being opped by someone using a script.
Bottom line - follow the rules. Easy as that, innit? rolleyes
See your point - as in, providing useful info, etc. Why not ask folk to PM you for the url if they are interested?
Quote by Ice Pie
It might have been a script kick - an ONTEXT rule that automatically reacts to "www".
Scripts are the ruin of IRC because they are indiscriminate and the people using them usually didn't write them and don't understand them; they just copy them, stick on their @, and to hell with the consequences. They create more problems than they solve and they're why I seldom say anything in a room that's being opped by someone using a script.

Amen to that post Ice Pie. I used to run a room on IRC and detested anyone who had a script for similar reasons. Yes they are fun and make pretty pictures/popups/sounds but most of the time the users know bugger all about them and they also come with (if any) instruction/help files that read in stereo rolleyes
It put me off so much - along with constant pm's from assholes that I gave up and very little do I use IRC now and never to it's best sad
Calista x
Quote by Calista
I used to run a room on IRC and detested anyone who had a script for similar reasons. Yes they are fun and make pretty pictures/popups/sounds but most of the time the users know bugger all about them...

An op in my dalnet room kept getting kicked by her own bot every time she said "awwwww", which I thought was hilarious. She never did figure it out. rotflmao
Quote by Ice Pie
I used to run a room on IRC and detested anyone who had a script for similar reasons. Yes they are fun and make pretty pictures/popups/sounds but most of the time the users know bugger all about them...

An op in my dalnet room kept getting kicked by her own bot every time she said "awwwww", which I thought was hilarious. She never did figure it out. rotflmao
ROFL ... the only thing worse than a scripted non knowledgeable chatter ... is a scripted non-knowledgeable OP!!!!!!!! I share your hilarity!
Some people ..... Tut (bugger off neil i want this tut)
Calista x
Hehe, I always like the newbe room with the title "For auto op press ALT+F4", the number of users who appeared, then suddenly vanished ... lol
Quote by tallnhairy
Hehe, I always like the newbe room with the title "For auto op press ALT+F4", the number of users who appeared, then suddenly vanished ... lol

But the funnier thing was when they reappeared and you asked them to do it again "just to check" .... they always did :doh:
Calista x
Evil... thats what you all are... downright evil!!!
And I love it :lol2:
Okies you were warned by the op not to post a url in the room , you then called the rules stupid i asked you to stop doing that you then said rules are there to be broken , after that we asked you to go into pm and help the nick you carried on the arguement so the op kicked you she never banned you rules are rules please read them and stick to them you are welcome back in the chatroom . By the way next time contact thank you .
pmsl , whats that saying ? oh yeah ... 'theres always two sides to a story' .. wink
Quote by lips-uk
Okies you were warned by the op not to post a url in the room , you then called the rules stupid i asked you to stop doing that you then said rules are there to be broken , after that we asked you to go into pm and help the nick you carried on the arguement so the op kicked you she never banned you rules are rules please read them and stick to them you are welcome back in the chatroom . By the way next time contact thank you .

Ah. Well that puts a whole different slant on matters doesn't it?
Norty Craig. biggrin
I know im terrible General rule breaker that i am!
Im done for for quoting the terrible well known saying that rules are there to be brokensmile oh well bahhhhh!. I better give up on swinging if we have to keep to this perfect world we like to preserve. Honestly, is it any wonder that spammers try it on in chat rooms.
But true, its bad helping someone, well this is all i can gather from all of this swill:)
And there's us all feeling sorry for you - and you twisted the story to make yourself look 'hard done by' and the SysOps bad. That's so much worse!!
PS in edit:
he's kicked from here too now. mad :x
Nothing to do with this thread.
Quote by Jags
And there's us all feeling sorry for you - and you twisted the story to make yourself look 'hard done by' and the SysOps bad. That's so much worse!!

....and how many times have we seen that on here??? rolleyes :roll: :roll:
rules? in a chatroom? a swinging one at that of all places? that actually posts those rules in the very place you click into to register! and log in! extraordinary!
you'll be telling me the ops are impossibly busy trying to stop people being offensive and pm'ing without asking next! :doh:
and then possibly you'll come here to bitch about actually being kicked, yet still allowed back in, for breaking the rules, that you did read right!
it's a thankless task! i'm sure your thanks are appreciated!
neil x x x ;-)
you were asked POLITLY not to post URL's the other person concerned should of known this too, and spoken to you in a pvt, she has said sorry, so why cant you? But you had to come back with lots of lip.
poor ol single guy with a chip on his shoulder? Yes you do have a prob with authority, if you dont like the rules, then why come into chat
aka Takhisis
And there was I trying to be nice to the guy banghead
OK...... nasty head on from now on evil wink
i peeps can i just add a little thing to this post ...
when someone posts a url www lnk or whatever the Op's dont have time to click on that link to check it out.... so yes that particular post may have been totally innocent... but if we say decided to relax and then goto check this site out if we had the time smile ...the problem is what if someone thinks ha they've allowed that so i can post what I think is fine by his/her standards? We cant be expected to censor these links and posts... and monitor the room and as a lot of people forget we also monitor the SH help room at the same time.... Ok we dont always get it right esp' me lol but surely peeps must see the logic and reason behind the total blocking of url's in the room.... The rule isn't to piss anyone off it's to protect you and SH from people abusing our room for their own purposes... I reiterate the BBC post was innocent but it was still a breach of rules. Hope this helps peeps to realise the reason behind the rule. and also please peeps we ops aint here to make your SH experience bad we didn't make the rules and we aint perfect .. Everyone has the right to complain and sometimes we get it wrong ... but it hurts that some people are so quick to jump on our backs when we try so hard to help... ok sulk over LOL............. I must be getting mard in me old age lol.
Quote by Ice Pie
I used to run a room on IRC and detested anyone who had a script for similar reasons. Yes they are fun and make pretty pictures/popups/sounds but most of the time the users know bugger all about them...

An op in my dalnet room kept getting kicked by her own bot every time she said "awwwww", which I thought was hilarious. She never did figure it out. rotflmao
This sounds very like a certain council office which decided it didn't want anyone looking at porn sites, so set up a script to stop certain 'naughty' words or phrases.
Suddenly, all the Staff at SCUNThorpe Council didn't receive emails anymore!!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
<<< neilinleeds gives entirely too much away about things the mods / ops / admin do so you can come here . . . and who won't reply cos they wouldn't want to claim anything for themselves . . . . but nevertheless you should have the utmost respect for, cos this site's nowt without 'em . . . >>>
it's so very very easy to look entirely kick happy! and to lose the friendly face you aimed for because of those who only see the public face, and the slaps, and the kicks! and think they are entitled to be soooo much better than the rest of us, who actually read AUP's and chatroom rules when we come here . . . .
as far as i'm aware, unless the ops there now have something i never had, like bots and automatic kicks, which i very much doubt, cos they tend to actually learn how mIRC and IRC works, and then write their own warns/kicks/bans/scripts/popups cos they care, with a little help from the more experienced, and the odd DCC, well there are no automatic scripted kicks. the kicks i see in there are the very same ones i still have installed somewhere, and need to /load -rs etc with so i have the odd whois / info / notice / query / nicktracker! i don't have the +O anymore cos i found the crap craigzzz just posted killed the place altogether for me.
if you post a URL or PM without asking or troll or get abusive, someone has to reach for a right click on a nick, warn you first, warn you again, then kick on the 3rd time of asking! that's opping rules, that protect them, same as user rules protect users! unless you're so blatant and offensive as to deserve an immediate kick! you can find user and op rules in the same place. it's no secret. it's only a left-click away!
people do the opping. people who would much rather go in there to talk to mates and arrange meets. people who might just find opping the chatroom, and taking the crap you get as an op, completely sours the place, and kills the fun that used to have you spending days at a time in there. crap that has you running to the cafe to stay on site instead. but then what would i know?
bit of respect craigzzz! you might just find it works wonders!
neil x x x ;-)