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Monday mornings

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Its Monday again,i have to go to work after a great weekend,its not fair sad :cry: :( :cry:
I want to go and stamp my feet and have a tantrum :lol2:
(i wonder where my kids get it from :shock: lol )
always bloody moaning arent you claire last week pmt this week its pre work tension, chill out lass and look foreward to next weekend, me ive got the day off and im going for a loveley walk on the chase with friends .
ner ner ner ner ner lol
Quote by clarensteve
Its Monday again,i have to go to work after a great weekend,its not fair sad :cry: :( :cry:
I want to go and stamp my feet and have a tantrum :lol2:
(i wonder where my kids get it from :shock: lol )

I can relate Clare .. I ache so much after putting up fences and ripping down hedges.
This is a new job though so it's not like I can even skive off LOL
At least I'm home at smile
Quote by midlandsmale39
always bloody moaning arent you claire last week pmt this week its pre work tension, chill out lass and look foreward to next weekend, me ive got the day off and im going for a loveley walk on the chase with friends .
ner ner ner ner ner lol

I dunno its alright for some!!!!!!!
Ive got a week off soon,hooray!
Its just gutting when weve had such a good weekend,i think i need some stress relief lol!!
(it seems a long time till tonight "Steve where are you when i need you????!!)
you need stress relief !
so do i babe so do i,
wheres my walking boots lol
im off to recover my pants hoorah well thats if i can get the girl out of them.
I'm not going to mention that I'm still on holiday 'cos that wouldn't be fair to all you people who have to go to work. lol
Anyway it's not holiday. I've got a list of DIY jobs as long as my arm. Got to finish tiling the bathroom floor today, and if you've ever cut ceramic floor tiles, you'll know what I mean. Out of 43 tiles, only 14 haven't got to be cut. Bummer!!
Then there's the new worktops in the kitchen, new spotlights in the ceiling, new flooring.....:small-print:
Oh well, I'd better get on with it.
i know what you mean Fac, i had a list too, but i threw it away when it covered 2 sides of A4, it got too depressing lol
Mind you i should hopefully finish the side fence today, top fence either late on today or tomorrow, then its onto making the shed confused
awww I was doing really well until you reminded me its monday!
Now the monday morning blues have set in.....
Oh well, at least tomorrow will be tuesday
Monday is always my day off as I w*rk all day, every Saturday.
Well, I have this week and next at w*rk, then 2 weeks off. But can't think about that now.
Got a blood test today.
That is cutting into my day off, as we usually spend a great deal of a Monday in the pub.
I bet.. have some...?
B...your blood is hot...?
C...if it is a guy you will find him all trembly
D...if some old hag it will hurt like hell...!
Quote by rocky horror
I bet.. have some...?
B...your blood is hot...?
C...if it is a guy you will find him all trembly
D...if some old hag it will hurt like hell...!

Sorry, it's a regular thing for me. Don't make it any better tho. Nursie is cute woman of similar age to me and I never feel a thing (bar my own palpitations) Last test, I dropped my jeans, quite unwarrated, for her to check out something (invented) on my thigh. Oh- I am such a tart! Still, she did stroke my thighs and that made it all worthwhile.
Been their too hun.
I thought at one time they were using the blood to make gravy or something in the local hospital!
yeah, work is indeed a squatting toad ain't it!
dragging meself out of bed at 5 to 9 FFS, selecting suitable business attire from the pile of last night's clothing on me bedroom floor, negotiating a busy flight of stairs en route to the office/living room, switching on me PC at 9 and logging onto SH while the kettle boils, selecting suitably inspiring, business mode mood music, telly on in the background, it's a bleeding nightmare! lol
sorry! :lol: i start working from home today at some point! woo hoo! :P
neil x x x x x ;-)
Quote by clarensteve
Its Monday again,i have to go to work after a great weekend,its not fair sad :cry: :( :cry:
I want to go and stamp my feet and have a tantrum :lol2:
(i wonder where my kids get it from :shock: lol )

God monday already me not long been up having a lazy day today and maybe tomorrow would'nt wan't to over doit now would i :lol:
Can't wait for the weekend then i can chill again!
Cool pics clare cool :wink:
J xxx
Quote by redshiftnights
God monday already me not long been up having a lazy day today and maybe tomorrow would'nt wan't to over doit now would i

How's about this....
Take some time out to learn English. I think they run free classes for adults, these days.
mondays my day off so im well chuffed
i had to work all weekend in that heat sad