Each and every month has a special quality, whether the sharp frost in January, the refreshing rain of an April shower or the sweet medow fragrance of July.
Which month would you be and why?
I'd have to be August, 'cause I'm hot hot hot :mrgreen:
september please ..as i am a libran
I don't mean you, obviously, I mean August. Yu have never been a disappointment to me SB, it's just that August, you know, too much rain, not enough sun. Expectation of holidays, sunburn instead of tan, that sort of thing!
Nothing wrong with August, great month, been good for me over the past 44 years
Leo's and August for me all the way
I'm May ..... my birthday is in May......the summer starts in May ..... the FA Cup Final is in May ...... I'm just a May kinda guy.... (even my nan was named Daisy May)
February.... because i'm an Aquarian.... and its the shortest month of the year and its special as it has the leap day every 4 yrs........ lol
oooohhh... and St. Valentines' Day..........and Ash Wednesday..... lol
equi-princess xxx
I have to choose 2 months out of the year.....
May because I love the end of spring and beginning of summer, the weather and the smells of all the new flowers growing.
December, the weather.......if it snows fantastic! The party season, the excitement for my kids......the whole atmosphere.
Hate January as it means its all over for another year!
January – the start of something new.
New adventures, new boundaries to cross and new desires to fulfil.
It starts with the biggest bang of the year and is followed by a full year of adventure, fun and frolics yet to be discovered.
January holds the mystery of what is yet to come.
And most of all the sales are on! :grin:
November for me...
Hallowe'en beckons in November with ankle high leaf fall giving off that scent of leaf mulsh. Guy Fawkes night, excited children, warm bonfires, exciting fireworks, bonfire toffee, flapjack, sausages, mulled wine and warm faces chatting away till the embers die. Remembrance Sunday, paying homage and giving thanks to those that defended our way of life... Wear your poppy with pride and gratitude.
Xmas lights are turned on at the end of the month and then it is the countdown to Xmas!
Woo hoooooooo!