To be honest, and I know this is going to cause a stir, I’m sick and tired of people on here judging other people. We are all on here for our own reasons and should not judge or be judged. I have sat watching a room today where, self-appointed Morality Police were in my eyes bullying other members. The general theme was, non-paying members should be thrown out along with those that don’t show recent pictures to everybody. We all have lives outside of the site, many don’t broadcast to friends or family they are on sites like this, and quite rightly, that’s their choice. We are all different shapes and sizes and are looking for different things, for god’s sake, there are block options on the site, use them and just ignore those you don’t want anything to do with. After all, you always have the choice, if the site doesn’t suit you …. Leave and don’t come on here!