Hi guys, Im really hoping someone can help with this:
for the past two days now I've been dropping my BB connection at random and not able to get back on, for no good reason. Sometimes it connects, sometimes it doesn't. Im using a wireless router with a BB modem built in, and can usually get on MSN, but if MSN works, sometimes the web doesn't. Its seriously confusing me, and I've been all over the settings, firewalls, etc. I can't find any good reason. Help!
hi everyone,
im hoping someone on here is more techy than I am!! Recently (like, in the past 2 weeks) my ADSL connection keeps dropping for no reason. I then spend ages trying to get it to connect again (tonight, from 5pm till ), and then it suddenly does for no reason. I've checked over and over again all my settings, checked my firewall, checked for spyware, viruses etc. I've also had BT check the line, and its all perfect. Yet the problem remains. I'm calling my ISP (Pipex) tech support on monday, but if any of you have any ideas, hit me with them!!