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more yim help plz?

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1 watcher
does anyone know why, if i click on someones messanger icon, i then log into , then my internet browser crashes? every bloody time! mad
Dunno, must be you.... mine's OK
oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, aren't I helpful rolleyes wink
are you able to get into yim any other way? and when you say the browser crashes, does that cut off you internet connection entirely?
Quote by easynow
are you able to get into yim any other way? and when you say the browser crashes, does that cut off you internet connection entirely?

no m8, just shuts down internet explorer, yes i can get into yim from desktop, but i think its not working properly, if i get a pop up saying i have new mail, when i click the get mail link, it doesnt do nowt?
pembslad just wanted to say love the avatar!!!
your mission, should you choose to accept it...
hehe/ well, the first thing I'd do is uninstall yim, reboot the computer, then reinstall the latest version of yim. it's a, (quite), quick fix, and if it doesn't work, you know you've got a deeper problem which is worth knowing, really. oookay! I could easily turn this into a maintenance paper now biggrin but I won't. let me know if it still doesn't work!
if reinstalling yim hasn't fixed the problem, chances are, that during the first installation, yim corrupted one of explorers files, uninstall yim, then re-install but only install the messenger part, do not tick the browser integration etc... if that still causes your browser to crash, uninstall yim, and re-install the latest version of explorer from microsofts site.
Quote by pembslad
does anyone know why, if i click on someones messanger icon, i then log into , then my internet browser crashes? every bloody time! mad

Because you touch yourself at night
Have you upgraded to the new version? I had some trouble with it too. It finally sorted itself out after I uninstalled it and the installed it again from new.
messenger is just rubbish!!
unless its just my laptop
i often have to download it again and again
and re install it again and again!!
n the chat n profiles dont work on it!!
oh well stick to msn!! i do
I use both, the thing is though, that I have to comstantly block people on msn because there is no way of appearing invisible to some people and chatting to others at the same time.
yeah msn is abit shite for that,,, that wen ur invisable u cant chat to anyone!!
were as on yim u can be invisable but still chat away!!
Quote by Waterpistol
I use both, the thing is though, that I have to comstantly block people on msn because there is no way of appearing invisible to some people and chatting to others at the same time.

Can't you block the users you don't want to to see you? Works for me when I want to speak to one person but not have 14 windows open?? Mind you I haven't been on msn for ages and ages - can't cope with it. cool
I use messenger and have just downloaded the latest far so good it works for me ...
I use the invisible thing all the time ....and wonder why no one ever messages me . :cry:
I have used a lot in the past without any problems.
If you use YIM, I would definitely recommend YTunnelpro - save many boots, traps bots, resizes annoyingly large fonts :shock: and gives you far more privacy.
It could be the reason why I seldom have YIM probs.
Alex x x