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I had a quiet weekend but what about u lot then?
Derek biggrin
I had 67% fun. My girlfriend came round and we had 80% fun. Spurs won and that added 5% to my total. However, Sunday was a very drab come-down day and that removed 18% of fun from the total.
Quote by GregLondon
I had 67% fun. My girlfriend came round and we had 80% fun. Spurs won and that added 5% to my total. However, Sunday was a very drab come-down day and that removed 18% of fun from the total.

Was this a pecentage increase in real terms on last weekend mate confused: wave
It was a 5% increase on last weekend. At the current rate, my fun is increasing 5% per week. However, when I factor in the -10% winter minus fun effect, I calculate that I will be more or less miserable for the next two months.
Quote by GregLondon
It was a 5% increase on last weekend. At the current rate, my fun is increasing 5% per week. However, when I factor in the -10% winter minus fun effect, I calculate that I will be more or less miserable for the next two months.

Of course you must factor in the Christmas effect which i calculate to amount to a 15-25% increase in the fun effect which more than offsets your projected -10% winter minus effect.
Also any increase in fun on a Saturday is likely to be offset in part by an increase in the negative effects of Sunday's " Oh shit it's work tomorrow" factor.
Derek :grin:
I am jewish, so I will not be experiencing the Christmas fun bonus. I will have a 1% increase on each of the 8 days of Chanukah instead.
Greg, I think you need to start plotting your %age fun statistics on nice neat colourful flow charts, much more easy to understand than all those numbers.... maybe a PowerPoint presentation would go down well also rotflmao
Anyways, hmmmm.... I haven't actually got any statistics to show you (sorry redface , been busy) but my weekend was OK....... took some silly pics....
<<<<<< see left, and got a bit horny, but didn't go out anywhere and I was in fact very lazy......... rolleyes
I asked for membership to S.H.A.G :cry:
Lots of love, hugs and kisses
We had our first mff ever! Think that means we can call ourselves swingers now. Made us wish we'd done it earlier. Next on the list is a 4some and then a club. biggrin
Quote by bert99
We had our first mff ever! Think that means we can call ourselves swingers now. Made us wish we'd done it earlier. Next on the list is a 4some and then a club. biggrin

You have a list too ? lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lots of love, hugs and kisses
Quote by bert99
We had our first mff ever! Think that means we can call ourselves swingers now. Made us wish we'd done it earlier. Next on the list is a 4some and then a club. biggrin

Congratulations you two . That must have increased your fun factor for the weekend greatly resulting in broad grins for several days and a fair degree of smugness wink
Well, as it was my birthday yesterday :high-smile: , on Saturday we went to a Surburbans Swingers night. We did end up enjoying ourselves with another lovely bi-fem couple :twisted: , but had to suffer the consequences of spending a little tiime in an over-chlorinated jacuzzi, hubby had trouble breathing, our eyes were red raw and streaming, coughing a bit, was very nasty surpriseduch:
Much drinking. Much sleeping. Have had lots and lots of nice chats with someone from here, via MSN, whilst I spent pretty much all day every day in bed, then get up and go to the pub.
No change there then.
Sulked all weekend because my best mate emigrated to Canada ..this was the first weekend we didnt meet for a game and a pint ...My footie team lost sad and my retiling of the bath room reached its climax ...under the basin by the bath..with 3 full tiles needed and 2 only present .Loads of bits mind you confused
Yeah ok I'll get over it ..Can I come for a pint with you Vix please?
Well just 'cause you 's been dark and miserable at chez Lazee,with odd glints of dayligth from some on here.
Saturday night was pretty ok because I was fuelled with anti - D's and cheap red wine,I actually felt near human again(see posts),but after 3 hours kip the clouds rolled back.
Sunday?Stutmbled around eating from a can,drinking copious amounts of tea and coffee and smoking so much my living room looks like an old school making a big dent in my puter umpteen times to get into the on the sofa for a music,made no human contact at all ( save on here)Turned the telly on,turned the telly to bed at 1 am woke surfing,and now back on signed off from i've got two weeks at least of this.
Sorry but you did ask.I'm not going to come on here and say allis cool with Lazee cos it's not.
lb :cry:
Had a fair old Saturday, shopping, relaxing, went out with a mate on Saturday night, probably drunk to much, danced to much and flirted too much but all is well ;) Spent yesterday feeling dreadful (not hungover this is much worse) and seem to have picked up some crappy viral thing and hence haven't slept much, exhaustion and pain and deadheadedness all round.
So off work, ill sad
Had a great weekend, Saturday we went Christmas shopping minus kids (call us organised). Saturday night we met a lovely couple off here and wink Sunday woke up by the kids at (they dont understand what a lay in is) wondered over to inlaws for a sunday dinner then made the kids tidy up conservatory for money! Easy weekend.
my weekend? t'is a sad story, with a happy ending. say awwwwww everybody!
friday was an evening of mounting excitement with firm plans made for the following day! :bounce: adding to the excitement we're several cans of stella. oh, and some bacardi!
saturday was a frantic morning following complete financial meltdown, that involved several hours of web surfing looking for alternative arrangements! no joy there! :mad: said failure of hectic mode resulted in poor neilinleeds coming back down to earth with a bang, quite painfully, resulting in him being once again in a massive hole! for once i stopped digging at that point. suffice to say neilnoshow was much in evidence once more! recovery from such disappointments involved several cans of stella, despite the remnants of the hangover from the previous evenings involvement with stella still being in some effect. she's a hard mistress at times!
sunday generally involved sulking in bed and trying to sleep off yet another hangover. smiles we're rediscovered that evening, after a good long chat, where i discovered i was quite good at this cybering lark after all! so both parties went to bed smiling! happy days! ;)
neil x x x x ;)
biggrin :shock: :D
We went to a club on friday- (see my loooong post) and we aint stopped shagging yet! We're on cloud nine! So- pretty good ta!
Had an absoultely amazing weekend and still on a high from it.
met a nice guy on fri for a drink (got lost 4 times but hey who cares lol)
Fetish night on sat and in total Domme mode, felt brill, picked the right outfit to wear and in great company too.
hungover on sun but went out for lunch, home and bed for a few hours to catch up on some much needed sleep
Hope to have another weekend like that very soon
i had a brilliant weekend.... smile :) :) :)
went up to edinburgh to see a couple i met a few weeks ago and was suitably "entertained"
i am absolutly shattered now......
sean xxxxxxx
Wow you lot had more fun than me, did get some pics of Mrs TnH naked, that was fun (see my add) but mostly spent weekend in bed, with a bad cold (what were you thinking??)
I made my first post here this weekend and chatted to some lovely people on the Forum.
I am as happy as a pig in Sh*t.
Weekend???? when did that happen???? :shock:
Too much work and a certain young man letting me down. rolleyes
Got a bit better on sunday night. biggrin
Today went well though.......... :D