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most embarrassing moment?!

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Am willing to share this one with you lot lol wink
Had to go to the hospital with my mum for an outpatients appointment and had to use the in i goes and had a very nice widdle when i realised that there was no toilet roll :shock: So i reached over and checked in a little cupboard under the sink but nothing!
So i noticed that to my left was a door to a cupboard so i opened it,and with my knickers around my ankles and fanny out on display soon realised that i wasn't a cupboard was an examination room,where a doctor was putting a camera thing up a woman's fanny and there were four students observing :shock:
They all stopped what they were doing and stared at me,so i asked if they had any loo roll,and a helpful student gave me some and i shut the left very hastily bolt
Anyone out there wanna make me feel a bit better and reassure me that i'm not the only idiot out here redface
You should have said "Help! I came to visit my mother, then the next thing I know, I wake up with a camera hanging out of my..."
ooooohhhhh too too many to mention!!!!!
fortunately often too too drunk to remember!!! :lol2:
but that is an absolute classic! one to tell the grandkids!!! rotflmao
neil x x x x
On holiday in Cyprus we met a guy in our hotel who we got on really well with. After a couple of nights out, Maz told him we were swingers! His face lit up! All of a sudden, he was all over her!
On the way back to the hotel, he stopped Maz and started to kiss her. We went over to a secluded corner of the hotel carpark and Maz knelt down, took our coc*ks out and proceded to suck us both off! We came all over her face and after we tidied up, we went to the hotel reception to get our keys.
The two guys behind the counter thanked her for her little show! They'd watched her on the hotel CCTV! Not only that, poor Maz, standing there really embarassed, still had our sperm dripping from her chin!
I was on a Hen Party we were going to Edinburgh on a mini coach , needless to say after plenty of drinking the usual happened we needed a wee and not a pub in sight!.
The bus pulled up and we all dived off and using the coach as a shield got down in the grass.
Yeah you got it the bugger drove off a few yards :shock: There we were in all our glory when a mini bus full of Lads pulled up with cameras clicking and shouting encouragement redface
One of the girls had gone over a gate into a field she then let out a scream a Cow had licked her bum, she still had her jeans part way down to her kness and climbed back over the gate then one wag from the mini bus shouted "Think that bush needs a trim love " (needless to say she now shaves)
When we got to our Hotel guess who was in the bar, Yeah the Lads off the mini bus we never lived it down all weekend, but worst of all the pictures got developed and were put on a wall behind the behind the bar surprisedops: :shock:
Good job that grass was long
Vicky xxx
When I was a mere callow youth I visited Mrs TE (but she wasn't Mrs by then of course) in the nurses home. We were in her room and she decided she wanted to go to the loo down the corridor. While she was away I thought 'I know, I'll give the lovely girl a nice surprise'. So I stripped off and got into her bed (Aah the demented delusions of an over-ambitious youth :!: ). A minute later I heard her coming down the corridor talking to 3 or 4 of her friends - they were making for her room.
I had some difficulty in explaining to her in front of her friends why I was talking to her from the inside of her wardrobe and couldn't quite come out to see them just yet. It took some delicate negotiation to persuade them to leave so I could emerge bollock naked from the wardrobe.
I was playing footie with my son on the local field; it was getting too dark to play so we decided to go home. As we were walking off the field, the ball rolled onto the road. A car was coming but I knew I’d get to the ball before the car. As I got into the middle of the road I tripped over and my glasses flew off. By this time the car had slowed down and had its headlights shining right in my face. I am quite short sighted and I had to feel around for my glasses on my hands and knees, after what seemed like an age I found them and quickly put them on. In the bright light of the headlights I noticed that I was covered in oil, I glanced towards the car and the people inside were in hysterics. I looked over at my son for some support but he was also rolling around laughing. I always made sure I wore my contact lenses before I played football with him after that.
Some funny posts already! nice thread daffy biggrin
Kinky Lizard
Again this is a subject we have covered before, so being environmentally friendly I am re-cycling one of my previous posts.
When I was a young Private Bilko I was sort of seeing a girl that lived up the road from me. I was 18 and she was 16. Her parents wouldn’t let her go to the pub so being the gent that I was I used to go out and get bladdered then go round to her house on the way home for lots of sex. We would wait for her parents to go to bed then start humping away on the sofa. wink
One night, after a particularly heavy drinking session I popped round on my way home and went through the usual routine of waiting for her mum and dad to go to bed before indulging ourselves on the sofa once again.
I would normally walk home once the deed was done but on this occasion I must have fallen asleep. My girlfriend covered me with a blanket and went to bed.
Next morning I awoke bright and early and lay there with my eyes closed, thinking about the session we had enjoyed on that same sofa some six hours earlier, This aroused me again, and my willy began to respond so I assisted by giving it a few strokes of encouragement.
At his point I realised that the blanket must have fallen off me during the night so I opened my eyes and then the full horror of what was happening smacked me in the face :shock: :shock: …………………………………………………………Her mum and dad were sat drinking tea in the chairs next to the fireplace about two feet away from me, staring open-mouthed in my direction as I lay there naked, on my back, playing with my erection!!!!
redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops: lol :lol:
I wanted to die and couldn’t get out of there fast enough.
That was my most embarrassing moment; I dare you to share yours with everyone!!!! :lol: :lol: