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most unusual place

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Now bet this thread can get some strange and unusual answers, what is the most unusual place you have had sex!! was it planned or did it just happen?
Me and my partner at the time were a little worse for drink once and had sex under a parked lorry trailer.
Most unusual place ........................................ Warminster!! confused :? :?
In a bed
Only in a field heh boring innit althogu Im sure I had a shag on a bus once but Im not positive cause it was a long time ago and i was kinda a bit spaced out on drugs to be sure!! confused But I definetly remember the field and anywhere you might get caught haha
I remember being 15 shagging my 24 year old boyfriend in the shower and I thought I heard my mum so freaked out haha was raging when I realised it was noone bloody shower was going so damn well :twisted:
Quote by steve-shireen
In a bed

Pervert!!! :shock: lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by Sgt Bilko
In a bed

Pervert!!! :shock: lol :lol: :lol:
Ahem... four thousand year old neolithic tomb, anyone...?
Quote by jameson
Now bet this thread can get some strange and unusual answers, what is the most unusual place you have had sex!! was it planned or did it just happen?

I received 2 hand jobs, to fulfillment, in 2 different pubs, by my ex. That was difficult to say the least! The easier one, was when I was in shorts, but the mess was tricky! Both times the pubs were relatively full and people were close ish. Had a fantastic effect on her, had to rush home both times, her driving and me playing with her, keeping the excitement going.
Toilets .............Orlando Airport .............. . Anyone who has been to America will know toilet cubicles in the States are not like the cubicles over here . For a start , they're clean ! , they're not very high , and they've got big gaps all the way round !!! . But... when you're finishing your honeymoon , a mans gotta do , what a mans gotta do .
pre kids , pre 9/11, the consquences of being caught in this day and age don't bear thinking about !!
About 130 feet from ground height, at the top of Guys Tower in Warwick Castle. Scary stuff trying to hold on and not fall over the top of the wall :shock: redface
on the bus coming back from blues birthday bash :twisted:
Quote by dundeecpl
on the bus coming back from blues birthday bash :twisted:

Did you really! :shock:
Now that's what I call stamina!
I've had sex in lots of different places, but not that unusual..... just the normal stuff really.... cars, various modes of public transport, woods, the beach, bogs in parks and clubs, at the side of the road :shock: , at work, under a table on the floor in a pub (OK I was drunk rolleyes ), same old, same old....... I think the naughtiest was in my mum and dads bed when I was very young - but maybe that just felt more naughty cos I was young :roll: . None have been unusual though sad ... suggestions for improvement please! :twisted:
Quote by darkstranger
Me and my partner at the time were a little worse for drink once and had sex under a parked lorry trailer.

No wonder I can't get to sleep at night.
All that moaning and asqueeling.
Shouldn't be allowed.
And on the subject of Warminster, Sarge. On the front deck of a Scorpion in a forest somewhere near the Harz mountains.
Quote by bluexxx
on the bus coming back from blues birthday bash :twisted:

Did you really! :shock:
Now that's what I call stamina!
We certainly did, bloody hell we were on bloody heat, couldn't keep our hands off each other, we had to stop though as i almost squirted everywhere, lol, still so aroused from the party that we had just attended :twisted: Took some pics on the bus, just me with boobies out and him with cock in hand, it was extremely horny, and there was a passenger sitting in the seat in front of us. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Gill x
Quote by dundeecpl
on the bus coming back from blues birthday bash :twisted:

Did you really! :shock:
Now that's what I call stamina!
We certainly did, bloody hell we were on bloody heat, couldn't keep our hands off each other, we had to stop though as i almost squirted everywhere, lol, still so aroused from the party that we had just attended :twisted: Took some pics on the bus, just me with boobies out and him with cock in hand, it was extremely horny, and there was a passenger sitting in the seat in front of us. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Gill x

Cool :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Especially taking pics without the person in front of you being any the wiser :giggle:
Mine was a hand job from my partner on airplane on way back from carribean on red eye flight, but most enjoyable apart from trying to clean up mess while person in third seat of our row was still asleep!
At Sea On a GDP site on a type 23 frigate!. lol
Halfway up the tower in Durham Cathedral
redface surprisedops: :oops:
In the desert (Middle East), daytime after a picnic. I shouldn't even have been there with a man I wasn't related to let alone anything else :twisted: Just after we finished a car load of locals drove past :shock:
Quote by the_magik_s
At Sea On a GDP site on a type 23 frigate!. lol

I once tried to do it on the previous Sheffield. Was sick as a dog and couldn't manage it redface
Quote by dambuster
At Sea On a GDP site on a type 23 frigate!. lol

I once tried to do it on the previous Sheffield. Was sick as a dog and couldn't manage it redface
ha ha.. a v good tip would be.. Make sure you look at the horizon.. this helps with the sea sickness... or laying down on the deck....which would prob be more appropriate considering you were trying to get your end away. wink
You gotta know - I was a tank soldier at the time ffs
Quote by dambuster
You gotta know - I was a tank soldier at the time ffs
Oh ha ha... so you never had your sea legs then?.. mind you.. taking tips from an old matloet is a dodgy concept anyway.. lol
Quote by the_magik_s
Oh ha ha... so you never had your sea legs then?.. mind you.. taking tips from an old matloet is a dodgy concept anyway.. lol

You got that right. On both counts
ours was in a vanilla club in london,actually in the security office,two very goodlooking doormen and us,15 mins of pure lust,to date our best expierence wink
For me it was in the communal showers in a field study centre in The Lake District while I was still at school.
The rules were that the girls went in first at a set time and later on, when the girls had vacated the place, the boys went in.
A lovely girl and I sneaked in later together, it was my first time in a shower and absolutely wonderful - only trouble was we got caught by the headmistress.
The fuss was tremendous and were we were in big trouble, but its a great memory :twisted:
I hope she feels the same - haven't had any contact with her for nearly 20 years.
I was in a childrens playground, it was among some trees but not completely out of the way of the roads. Unfortunately a pervy taxi driver saw us and put his headlamps on us full beam!!! redface