A regular male fantasy is to fuck a mother and daughter. But has anybody ever managed it?
Would be good to have some details
Hello and :welcome: good to see you've hit the ground with both feet running so to speak and may I sugest that you keep running untill the dust settle's :grin:
run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It nearly happened to me once, and I did the only thing I could think of at the time ......... run a mile !
I don't know if they would have really gone through with it, but from what I knew of her mother, she probably would have done. I wonder what she's doing now ...... ?
So, to answer your question, it's not a fantasy, but it nearly happened.
Is there anything wrong with a little vicarious curiosity? Isn't that what goes on in most chat rooms?
Managed to get through the whole family once when i was in my twenties. Youngest daughter first, then mother just the once though. Finally on to the older sister again just the once caused uproar so moved far away. :shock:
Come to that, every woman who is a mother could qualify, as every woman is someone's daughter.
i think the bloke is right...... i know i have had the urge to get busy with a few of my ex gf's mothers. had a couple of them getting a bit touchy feely with me in the past. maybe they were just curious about what was making their daughters smile.......
it was a strange feeling being sat between a girlfreind and her mother while the mum was rubbing her hand up and down my thigh. i was too much of a gent to draw attention to what she was doing but i think she knew the effect it was having. lol
The nearest I could claim to have come to this occurred a few years ago. It was in a divorced, separated singles club. I had met two women with whom I had danced with as a trio. Slightly unusual but that's what happened. One night an attractive woman got my attention and at the same time I saw her younger double, her daughter, in her twenties. I approached the mum and she mentioned the fact that she'd seen me and my friends dancing as a trio.
I suppose talk must have got about and people probably bumped the story up and out of proportion. Anyway, her daughter approached and within a few moments we were dancing as a trio. It felt very nice, I can say. The combination of young and older, and almost identical body shape to compare, was a unique experience.
I could sense that they/we might have gone further but it was not possible on that occasion, as they were part of a hen night. So I suppose they may well have been having a laugh on me. However we were out on the floor as a trio having a sensual dance for a short while.