what did your mam/dad/gran/grandad say to you to stop you doing something,you no the ones
*sit to close to the tv your eyes will go square
*stop picking your nose you'll pull your brains out,
*stop pulling faces if the wind changes you'll stay like that...
you get the idea(i hope)...what things were u told that u believed would happen if u did them?
what things have you said to your kids(for those amongst us that have kids) that u know will never happen, but u hope they will believe it?
Don't go straight out of the house just after you've had a bath.
Clothes had not just to be dry before they were ready to wear, but something mysterious called "aired".
If you suck your thumb you'll get goofy teeth.
My mum didnt really say much.... but she did run me over in the car once.
They were avid caravanners, and we were forced to spend many summer weekends in some crappy farmers field getting bored.
One memorable occasion, I was sitting on a fence next to my parents caravan, and my mum was driving back into the field.
I though she would park the car next to the caravan like normal, but instead she smashed through the fence and didnt stop til i was under the car.
On a more pleasant note, that was the same weekend I met Dawnie, so at least something good happened that day. :-)
My Nan always used to tell me not to go out with wet hair/bare feet as I would get rheumatism.
My mother used to say:-
"If you dont ask then you dont get", followed by
"What you want and what you get are 2 different things", so what she really must have meant was
"Dont ask me for anything and you wont get disappointed!"
Aint life just peachy!!
after being given medicine
"stop pulling that face, the wind will change and you'll stay like that"
My late grandmother told my mother when she was a child:
'you should never swallow a piece of cotton as it could wrap its way round your heart and kill you' :shock:
'Eat your crusts, they'll make your hair go curly...'
But I don't want curly hair.....
Eat your crust and youll be a good singer
Don't sit too close to that fire,youll melt your marrow.
Don't sit on that cold step or youll get piles
me dad use to say " why haven't you ate your toast"...i'd reply "it's burnt", then he'd reply "it'll be ok it'll put hairs on your chest". :eeek:
one i remember is maners cost nothink as i got a clip for not say please are thankyou
"If you sit on the radiator you'll get piles"
"If you drink milk going to bed it will turn to cheese in your stomach"
"Ladies don't trump"