Quote by Jags
I have to say this ......... and I know some people aint gonna like it but ......................
I assume the SH 4 Tops were honest and said that the editor of the SH Magazine and a friend were going to attend a munch???
Why did they bother?
They should have just sent them under bogus nicks and not been honest ..... then no-one would have been any the wiser and this shite wouldn't have happened!!!
Amazingly enough that's exactly what I've just said in PM though I know it wasn't to you!!
Now that would have been cause for debate and outrage and high moral ground.
The list was full - NWC made the decision, or so i presume, to allow the SHM duo to attend - I do not think that she would have ever considered lying.
To suggest that to deceive is better than to cause a debate of this manner, in my opinion is downright disgraceful !!!
Yes, we all know there are tricksters out there, but we do not expect it from the owners, admin, mods etc nor for it to advocated. :shock: