The SUBJECT/TOPIC is "Munch Attendees"
Quote by A Munch Organiser
Important announcement
I just wanted you all to know about two guests who will be attending the Munch. These are the two people who will be working on the publication of the Swinging Heaven Magazine.
The reason behind the visit is to get to see first hand what a Munch actually is like and hopefully to get to see what a fantastic bunch of people you all are.
They will not be bringing any cameras or interviewing people on the night, as the aim of the visit is purely for them to see what goes on and get some ideas of what we, the members of Swinging Heaven, want from the Magazine.
I can assure everyone who is attending the Munch, that there is nothing deceitful behind the visit, and that your privacy will not be invaded in any way.
My very first response, and reason for not attending, is to the final sentence. My privacy willbe invaded. By their very presence. I chose therefore, to not attend. That's all very simple really. There was something about the Munch that I didn't like, so decided not to go. Nothing more - nothing less. Life for me is so easy in this very simple world I live.
But . . . . .
Quote by dirtyduo
Dont forget, if we feel threatened by the presence of these people, how does Mrs NWC feel, she has put her neck on the line trusting these people. What ever the threat might be for members to feel wary of, Mrs and Mr NWC have the same threat levelled at them.
But is the "threat" (
I personally see no "threat"
Quote by dirtyduo
Annie is there to help promote our activities.
To whom ?
For what purpose ?
On behalf of whom ?
I've actually lost track of the proposed purpose of said magazine. I think I remember reading somewhere that it's "our" magazine, for "us" :dunno: At the time I allowed my own cynicism to tell me otherwise. I still do.
Quote by dirtyduo
Right, anybody else wants use of the soapbox?
If expressing opinions and concerns means having to stand on a soapbox, then it looks like I'm going to have very clean feet
Quote by dirtyduo
We understand everyones worries but sorry they did not trust MRS NWC more.
This has nothing to do with trusting or not NWC.
Quote by fabio
The reason behind the visit is to get to see first hand what a Munch actually is like and hopefully to get to see what a fantastic bunch of people you all are.
what is the advice given to a lot of people that want to get into the scene, go to a munch and see what we are like, and from what I see that is all they are doing,
Indeed it is fabio. It is the general advice that both you and I (and others) have often given. To, as you say above, people that want to get into the scene. Get into the scene as (possible) participants, and/or members of the site/scene/lifestyle.
so now lets play devils advocate......
go back to lilacgems thread about not wanting to go the munches again because . . . . . .
what is the difference in this case? I don't see it.....
Although I can't see a connection between the two, I'll also play Devil's Advocate a little and offer this as a counter . . . . . .
A Munch is open to all - couples, singles, Gay, Bi, CDs, etc., there are no limits. The exception to this is the brand new newbie, i.e. those who have just joined the site or have not been an active participant on Swinging Heaven. This is only to prevent gawpers, journalists and those who are just TOO curious. Remember, if you are keen to attend a Munch and meet other swingers, but are considered too new for this one, join in and keep posting because there'll be another Munch coming along shortly.
To be absolutely clear - I do not view 4T and/or their representatives and agents as members of the site, scene, or lifestyle. In particular, I would and do view the SHM editor and staff as journalists. Please don't misunderstand that, or see it as a dig. It isn't. They have their part to play and get from SH what they do. I have mine, and get from SH what I do.
Quote by kazswallows
I don't like the idea of being in a goldfish bowl, regardless of whether or not they will be doing interviews/photo's.
If I wanted to be watched or talk to someone about this lifestyle I would do it on my terms at a time convenient to me. I don't want it to be when I'm out enjoying myself with friends.
. . . and that's pretty much how I feel about it.
Maybe this can be split from the original munch thread so people can discuss it properly without detracting from the munch??
I was appalled to read what I did in the actual Munch thread :roll:
And finally, Esther . . . .
I'm not naive enough to ignore the fact that Munches have changed, almost beyond recognition, of late; but - I can't help but believe the inclusion of "other people" goes against the ethos - regardless of their purpose and intent if the following passage isn't respected.
A munch is a purely social event held in a totally neutral environment, often somewhere like a pub, where members of Swinging Heaven get to meet each other. As there's no play involved everyone can relax which gives newbies a chance to ask questions of the more experienced without any fear of getting jumped on, and gives the regulars time to catch-up with old friends and make new ones.