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Munch Tarts!

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Quote by marmalaid
Can I have a title too please? Munch SuperTart sounds just fine!

:cry: :cry: sod the super bit, I just want to be a tart :cry: :cry:
Ooh you are, you are wink
I would, of course, also be more than happy with Munch Micro-Tart biggrin
So does that mean you certifited me Marms, can I be a Munch Micro Tart?
Go on, please say yes, say yes, please, pretty please :giggle:
Sarah cant I be a munch Pie instead of a tart lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by meat2pleaseu
:therethere: I'm sorry Binxy, just didn't fancy scraping you off the floor at the bottom of the stairs kiss

I like you sooo much better when you are nice to me lol :kiss:
Minx x x
*sneaks in very queitly and sits in the corner with a glass of orange and lemonade
Quote by BiWelshMinx

:therethere: I'm sorry Binxy, just didn't fancy scraping you off the floor at the bottom of the stairs kiss

I like you sooo much better when you are nice to me lol :kiss:
Minx x x
and i like you so much better when you're bending over in that skirt sillyhwoar:
Quote by dambuster
*sneaks in very queitly and sits in the corner with a glass of orange and lemonade

Minx x x
Think we are being ignored Marms, so if you want I will certify you and you can certify me, think we should both be Micro Munch Tarts wink
Quote by BiWelshMinx
*sneaks in very queitly and sits in the corner with a glass of orange and lemonade

Minx x x
Quote by BiWelshMinx
*sneaks in very queitly and sits in the corner with a glass of orange and lemonade

Minx x x
dosnt want bit again????? confused
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
So does that mean you certifited me Marms, can I be a Munch Micro Tart?
Go on, please say yes, say yes, please, pretty please :giggle:

Oooh no, I'm no certificatifier. That's Sarah's job.
I'll call you a tart though from behind in your left ear if you'd like wink
Quote by dambuster
*sneaks in very queitly and sits in the corner with a glass of orange and lemonade

I seem to have picked up this Caffrey's from somewhere, wanna swap? Oooh, and do you like my new shirt wink
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
Be careful what you wish for Tamworth Guy.
I should point out now that munches can get highly addictive.
Once you start there's no way back :shock:

That is so true !!!!!
By my calculations I have been to 12 munches and eight mini-munches/social meets - there are probably one or two more I've forgotten.
I'm not just a tart, I'm Mr Kipling himself! lol :lol:
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
thankyou kiss :happy: :happy: i'm a tart :smug: lol
the red shoes will definately be coming to manchester biggrin
lil xx

:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
Welcome to the regiment hun :kiss:
aww :kiss: thanks
just one question
how do i make it red in our signature? redface dunno
lil xx
Can we be upgraded casue we been to 6 munches
Can names loads of people, including lovely you wink
and as for being drunk of sober, was normally pished or at least tipsy at the end of it.
So do we qualify, do we do we do we
Erm.... i have been to 5 munches i think....
I can defo name more than 6 people who have been there....
And more often than not......Im Legless!!!!
Quote by Lilmiss

And more often than not......Im Legless!!!!

Thats true an all ..........................
Quote by meat2pleaseu
I'm saving myself for the North West smile
:P :twisted:

wave and me!!!! and will you and Debz be pole dancing for me again :giggle:
one munch done and i've already been certified as a Munch Tartlet!! :lol2:
Ask me nicely meaty and you'd be surprised..... ;) :twisted:
Sarah, can I have a certification of some sort for a new signature please? Mine seems to have disappeared in the kerfuffle.... actually, where's Fallen Angel? Mine used to match hers, I might just copy it back! lol
And just for Sercher and Meaty: permission to stick this in your sigs biggrin
Survivor of Room 405: The Debut. (As certified by the Magnificent Seven)
Cocoa x
:laughabove: :laughabove:
brilliant Cocoa x passionkiss
i just wondered ............. do i qualify ??
i cant count how many munches ive been to , cant remember them , wasnt sober enough to remember some of them !!
but it has to be at least 4 this year so far lol
and as for naming 6 people ... i think i could manage that :twisted:
so come on sarah .......... what level status do i get??
Quote by martellnotts

And more often than not......Im Legless!!!!

Thats true an all ..........................
Least i have the balls to admit it tho wink
Errmm well I think I most defiantely qualify, so certify away!
Right I'm back folks, sorry for taking the afternoon and evening off, but there are certain things a woman has to do when she hasn't seen her man for ages and ages redface surprisedops:
Roll of Honour
MikeNorth:- 'Offical Munch Kipling Tart'
Marms and NWC:- 'Offical Micro Munch Tart'
CorrieFem:- 'Offical Munch Pie Tart'
Making cocoa
Mistress_ Sassy
all are here by awarded:- 'Offical Munch Tart'
Dambuster (a true friend) what can I award you? lol
'Offical Munch Wobbler as certified by all munchers'
Please all use you awards wisely, and see you at the next munch :twisted:
Thank you for my official status. New shiny signature in place. lol
Quote by dambuster
*sneaks in very queitly and sits in the corner with a glass of orange and lemonade

wow! there really is a first time for everything! thanks to SH, dammie has a whole new world of citrus flavoured soft drinks awaiting him! i'm excited for 'im! :bounce: biggrin ;)
sarah? i reckon i've done 8 munches now, and i did my year planner not 3 days ago, and have at least 1 event per month, and in some cases 2 or 3, from now until september! :shock:
i reckon i've met just about everyone who's ever, ever posted on the forum! to pull a mere 6 names out of the hat would smack of favouritism on my part, cos everyone of those 2 or 3 hundred people has been delightful! :D
i've been both too drunk to stand and sober as a judge on occasion! the jury's still out on which is the better approach? dunno
i feel that having snogged just about everyone at some point, including the odd bloke ((( :shock: ))) i more than qualify?
neil x x x ;)
Quote by neilinleeds
i reckon i've met just about everyone who's ever, ever posted on the forum!
neil x x x ;)

Ahem! I don't think I've had the pleasure yet neilinleeds wave
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
WE are tarts (well Mrs Tigs certainly is)
Quote by neilinleeds
i reckon i've met just about everyone who's ever, ever posted on the forum!
neil x x x ;)

Nor me (But i have met Gem and i get the feeling you ain't as easy on the eye as she is, neil)
Quote by Alleyson

i reckon i've met just about everyone who's ever, ever posted on the forum!
neil x x x ;)

Ahem! I don't think I've had the pleasure yet neilinleeds wave
ah! well no! can soon sort that out though! biggrin ;)
Quote by meat2pleaseu

i reckon i've met just about everyone who's ever, ever posted on the forum!
neil x x x ;)

Nor me (But i have met Gem and i get the feeling you ain't as easy on the eye as she is, neil)
well no, i haven't met you either yet meaty, but i had a full report on your shennanigans in the north west a week or so ago, so i feel i almost know you personally! lol :P
oh . . . and while obviously i'm sex on a stick and unbearably handsome, little gem is sweetly pretty, and does have one or two advantages over me! ;)
neil x x x ;)