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Munch Tarts!

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Quote by neilinleeds

i reckon i've met just about everyone who's ever, ever posted on the forum!
neil x x x ;)

Nor me (But i have met Gem and i get the feeling you ain't as easy on the eye as she is, neil)
well no, i haven't met you either yet meaty, but i had a full report on your shennanigans in the north west a week or so ago, so i feel i almost know you personally! lol :P
oh . . . and while obviously i'm sex on a stick and unbearably handsome, little gem is sweetly pretty, and does have one or two advantages over me! ;)
neil x x x ;)
i had noticed, but are you a better pole dancer? rotflmao
Quote by meat2pleaseu
i had noticed, but are you a better pole dancer? rotflmao

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
uummmmm . . . . well no! sad
but . . . at the 2nd north west i did provide the pole for some rather attractive girlies to dance round ((( get your mind out of the gutters you lot, i didn't mean that! i'm just tall and stick thin ok! rolleyes ))) which surely qualifies me as a munch tart in itself? dunno
neil x x x ;)
Quote by neilinleeds
i had noticed, but are you a better pole dancer? rotflmao

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
uummmmm . . . . well no! sad
but . . . at the 2nd north west i did provide the pole for some rather attractive girlies to dance round ((( get your mind out of the gutters you lot, i didn't mean that! i'm just tall and stick thin ok! rolleyes ))) which surely qualifies me as a munch tart in itself? dunno
neil x x x ;)
OOOOOOOOOOOOOh I remember that :shock: hhehehehehe
I can't count today but we've definitely been to 5 munches, mini munches, and countless private parties biggrin
Quote by Sarah
Right I'm back folks, sorry for taking the afternoon and evening off, but there are certain things a woman has to do when she hasn't seen her man for ages and ages redface surprisedops:
Roll of Honour
MikeNorth:- 'Offical Munch Kipling Tart'
Marms and NWC:- 'Offical Micro Munch Tart'
CorrieFem:- 'Offical Munch Pie Tart'
Making cocoa
Mistress_ Sassy
all are here by awarded:- 'Offical Munch Tart'
Dambuster (a true friend) what can I award you? lol
'Offical Munch Wobbler as certified by all munchers'
Please all use you awards wisely, and see you at the next munch :twisted:

wow oh wow hahahahahahaha right off to become an official munch pie tart!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by Sarah
Owing to the number of SH munches that have taken place over 2005 and starting to take place in 2006.
I am now able to offer 'Offical Munch Tart' status to those who required it.
1. You must have attended at least 4 munches or far :P
2. You must be able to name at least 6 people you met at the munch lol
3. You should be able to state was I sober or drunk at the end of the night redface
Please post in this thread and I will consider your status :lol: :twisted:

1) i attended 4 smile London, Essex,Notts and Leicster
2) what 6 at each this can be i was pished out of me face at most of them.....
3) comment :)
can i be a munch tart now
Omg just wondering what my sig will say
only missed 3 since Munches started on here have co organised 3 NW Munches, and helped organise another 4 In the process of organsing another. NW
Think I can name a couple of hundred names
and ive seen you pished at a few munches and can name some if ya like lol
What will mine say?
Vicky xxx
Munch Mistress?
Godmother of Munch?
Grand High Munch Tart?
worship :worship: :worship: :worship: :thumbup: :rose:
Quote by meat2pleaseu

i reckon i've met just about everyone who's ever, ever posted on the forum!
neil x x x ;)

Nor me (But i have met Gem and i get the feeling you ain't as easy on the eye as she is, neil)
well no, i haven't met you either yet meaty, but i had a full report on your shennanigans in the north west a week or so ago, so i feel i almost know you personally! lol :P
oh . . . and while obviously i'm sex on a stick and unbearably handsome, little gem is sweetly pretty, and does have one or two advantages over me! ;)
neil x x x ;)
i had noticed, but are you a better pole dancer? rotflmao
:lol: Neil and dancing are not two words that go together very easily or comfortably! Although he has a go, keeping up a rythmn is somewhat strenuous and a five minute break would be demanded frequently! :lol:
All these compliments... hmmm... sweet, easy on the eye, assets.... what are you two up too??? Hmmm???
Will I like it?? :twisted: :rascal: :bounce:
Quote by little gem

i reckon i've met just about everyone who's ever, ever posted on the forum!
neil x x x ;)

Nor me (But i have met Gem and i get the feeling you ain't as easy on the eye as she is, neil)
well no, i haven't met you either yet meaty, but i had a full report on your shennanigans in the north west a week or so ago, so i feel i almost know you personally! lol :P
oh . . . and while obviously i'm sex on a stick and unbearably handsome, little gem is sweetly pretty, and does have one or two advantages over me! ;)
neil x x x ;)
i had noticed, but are you a better pole dancer? rotflmao
:lol: Neil and dancing are not two words that go together very easily or comfortably! Although he has a go, keeping up a rythmn is somewhat strenuous and a five minute break would be demanded frequently! :lol:
All these compliments... hmmm... sweet, easy on the eye, assets.... what are you two up too??? Hmmm???
Will I like it?? :twisted: :rascal: :bounce:
>>>only one way to find out<<< :rascal:
they both want to get you in to bed hun and shag you senceless.....
i dont blame then i would to :twisted: :twisted:
would love to be a munch tart.....definately working on it though! Especially after our first socil event at Kaz's birthday.... still re-living it! biggrin
Quote by MikeC
they both want to get you in to bed hun and shag you senceless.....
i dont blame then i would to :twisted: :twisted:

shag her senseless, i was thinking of spending a little longer than 30 seconds with her :twisted:
Quote by meat2pleaseu
they both want to get you in to bed hun and shag you senseless.....
i dont blame then i would to :twisted: :twisted:

shag her senseless, i was thinking of spending a little longer than 30 seconds with her :twisted:
smackbottom You two cut it out! lol I'm blushing! redface
Wow, more than 30 seconds... is it my birthday already?
Gem. x - needs to be certified as a flirt and general tart! ;)
Quote by little gem
they both want to get you in to bed hun and shag you senseless.....
i dont blame then i would to :twisted: :twisted:

shag her senseless, i was thinking of spending a little longer than 30 seconds with her :twisted:
smackbottom You two cut it out! lol I'm blushing! redface
Wow, more than 30 seconds... is it my birthday already?
Gem. x - needs to be certified as a flirt and general tart! ;)
well I am a munch PIE :smug:
Corrie.... I'm having a thick day! Please explain! lol redface
And what would I qualify for?
A bit busy this weekend, but will sort out all munch titles by Tuesday............... cool
Anyone else
Neilnolongerin Leeds
all :- Offical Munch Tarts
Vicky_uk :- 'Offical Munch Whore'
Any more?