Do muscular men do it for you?
They never did for me until i met my partner, hes a bit of a bodybuilder (5'11' !)
Just wondered cos loads of women look at him while we are out but when ive polled my friends they all say the muscly look is a bit cheesy?
Jean claud, is ok but arnie no or anyone who is into it too serious
after a while they begin to look out of proportion.
exercice is great but after a while it can become adictive.
something like sex maybe.
Arnie S type men YUK !
Give me a normal man anytime of day!!!!
One I can dominate LOL !!!
MRS Goodtimez xxx
they all have small dicks from steroid abuse !!!!
Saw a comparison on telly once, where they showed body types ranging from Mr Bean to Mr Universe, and all stops in between.
8 ot of 10 cats had female owners who preferred the "David Wilkie" Athlete / Swimmer look, but no more muscular than that.
Seems that public opinion here backs that up.
Muscular men are attractive, but it depends in what size. If they're beefed up to the max (and other slogans) then it's a turn off as you get the feeling you're always going to be second to the gym.
But I don't like skinny guys, I don't know why but I really freaks me out when I see someone so skinny you can make out their skeleton. To that end I like blokes who take care of their bodies and who like to keep in shape, those with muscles but not in ample quantities. You can make someone feel a lot safer or more intimidated by body language rather than body look.