Brilliant Brucie will find something I like.......
brings a tear to my eye every time
you're just inspired aren't you
Oh and this and everything else she's done
And this he is almost everything I hate about music but I can't help loving his sweaty yankee soul
How's about this one then?
or this one:
Edit: I just found by "The Mods"! :shock:
and this:
because gosh, I do. :sad:
I had first heard it as part of the soundtrack to the film 'Fallen Angels' which you can also see here!
this sends shivers down my spine.....
Shivers up the spine every time I hear this.
the whole soundtrack is wonderfull. And the film magnificent.
There are other spine-shivers, but I can no longer listen to them.
...this song brings a lump to my throat and even a tear to the eye when i listen or watch it...enjoy
My Immortal - Evenescence
.......Eva Cassidy - Songbird