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My avatar ....

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Just been chatting to a forum user on MSN .... I'm having a bad day today (a project I run has effectively been shut down by the local council) and needed some light relief.
Thanks to that person I can no longer look at my avatar in the same light!
Look for the face!!!!!! Two eye (breasts) a nose (tummy button) and a mouth (my knickers).
Thanks matey ....... I did threaten to name this individual if they ruined my image for a load of others!
don't worry.. most of us don't get past the eye's ;)
Quote by Calista
Just been chatting to a forum user on MSN .... I'm having a bad day today (a project I run has effectively been shut down by the local council) and needed some light relief.

What sort of projects do you run?
oh yeah! i can see it.
<<< gazes deeply into calistas eyes! >>>
dammit. never be the same again. quite a nice face tho eh? quite pretty! ;-)
n x x x ;-
No one can resist her...
The babe known as calista,
If anyone does desist her,
Well here's a big fat fist ah ! wink
Never noticed that calista, but after much staring I can now see it (like a magic eye thing going cross eyed and everything.
Chris x
Just please don't be thinking of changing it though Calista, I just lurve that pic, you look sooo sultry !
xxx wink
Listen Kid snap out of it or ill do my dance and send a storm your way, lol
Shit! All I have been able to see was a face............NOW I can see your boobies and knicks! Gawd! I'm so innocent! wink
You are all loon
I promise I won't take it away just yet.
surreycouple ....
I run an environmental project that promotes a particular alternative to people (bit shy to name it as a serach on the net could easily bring up my details). The council who haven't been interested for 4 years have basically decided that it's a good project and they now want to take it over and have a bid for a substantial amount of money and bascially shafting me sad
(o) (o)
:P hehe sorry just my tiredness making me stupider than usual!
Calista I can see what you mean about the face, just dont get the real you and the avatar face mixed up in your mind, otherwise...........
Your Dentist is gonna have one hell of a surprise on your next visit.
I think you're avatar is great! biggrin
I didn't think of the face angle to it... but I did think "There's a girl that should be a Belly Dancer" :twisted: