Been invited round to a guys house for some fun this evening (im bi) - question is, do I go, or do I go round to this really cute girls house where "fun" wont be on the agenda but I can do some long term good work...
Pull yerself together man !
Heheh thanks, its a bit more of a dilema than it may seem. Im bi, in that i like cock, but i dont really find men attractive. And Im really in the closet... im a rugby player here and as bad as u may think it sounds, being bi doesnt fit in with the image.
But... I could really do with some cock tonight!
It would be nice to know what happened...Did you see the guy then go to the girl? you may have regretted it if you didnt as you never know she could have given in in the end.
I guess you haven't got home yet. Do tell when you do
Handy he just did - do you type slowly?