my husband mentioned a while back he wants to see me with a black guy....have any other wifes had this? if so what did they do? im confused and unsure what to do...i love him and would love to fulfil his fantasy but have never really had any attraction to black guys.....he has shown me some pics of guys some are very nice some arent....i have told him if i did do it there would need to be a pyhsical attraction
If you want to do it then do it
If you dont want to do it then dontdo it
Mixed race swinging can hold a fantasy side for many, and that is fine. The important thing must be, race and colour to one side, is that it is some thing that you wish to be part of.
I do not swing at all, I just love to watch the wife with other men, and the choice of male rest,s purly with her. If she is not having fun, then neither am I.
Hope this helps
Maybe you should remind him of the saying:
"Once you've tried black, you'll never go back!"
Firstly I'd check your profile because either you've made up your mind real quick or your partner has gone ahead and started advertising for you.
As for the going black concept, yes I can see the racist arguement, but only if you are viewing it in a detremental way ie viewing black men as less than any other man and getting off on your wife roughing it with them.
(Sorry but could not find any real PC way of saying that without offending.)
However I would love to have sex with a lady of indian origin, am I racist or is it that i find the skin colour sexually attractive and so it turns me on. A bit like men liking blondes brunnetts redheads.
There is the big dick thing too but personally I think mostly it comes down to the guy getting turned on by interacial sex, lets face it we are not a 50/50 split in this country and so seeing you wife with a guy of different skin colour is a rarity and so can be a turn on.
Either way you should only do what you arehappy to do surely thats the differnece between concenting sex and coersion
Its funny but when ever we start chatting to a potential male he always asks "so, how did you talk her in to it"? Like I had to MAKE her do it. Strange.
...on wheels.
Pimp My Case.
If you want to do it then do it
If you dont want to do it then dont do it
I think it really is as simple as that,if your not happy about it,don't do it,your hubby should respect your decision
I think maybe we need to think about the fact that she *wants* to do it, but that the drive to do so is in order to fulfil his fantasy, rather than her own desire to sleep with a black guy.
talking about racism / personal taste is a little "not the point".
Has anyone else noticed the OP hasn't been back to comment further....