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My new bed (I wish!)

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Anyone want to join me..........
Teeside Social to held at your place then, MQ biggrin
:eeek: :eeek: :eeek:
Terrifying! :shock: I'd have nightmares.......... I sleep badly as it is :uhoh:
Count me in! Talk about fertility symbols! Someone's hoping to get lucky!
LC wink
the phrase " come to bed" will have a new meaning!
My my, what a bed :scared:
ahhhhhhhhhhhh so that's what they mean by VWE :shock:
Quote by spikeg
My my, what a bed :scared:

Hee hee! A member for nearly two months and it takes this to make you walk into the light lol
Hi wave and :welcome: to the Cafe.
I would NOT be able to sleep in that bed.... So ugly!
(imagine showing your friends around your house and what they would say when they saw it lol )
MQ, we have one with knobs on but not quite as big as that one. You are more than welcome to try it out anytime :twisted:
G & D x
Quote by gocommando1969
I find it a bit rude....................

really gc? What makes you feel that way? :twisted:
Quote by gocommando1969
I find it a bit rude....................

Couldn't agree more:
Rude (adj) belonging to an early stage of technical development; characterized by simplicity and (often) crudeness;
well MQ, not that I'm questioning anyone's tastes, but it's just not my cup of Tea, I couldn't see myself wanting to show people round my house with that in the bedroom, it too crude and in your face for me................ that's all biggrin
it doesn't do a thing for me either i'm's well scary!!! give me a nice, hard, futon anyday!!