hey peeps,
i just logged in to find, someone has registered a nick name almost identical to mine.
i would like to point out to people who know me that. iam purplemonkey, not purple_monkey..
i dont know who he/she is, and why the nick has been chosen.
i would appreciate he/she to pm me so we can sort somethingout.
am i being childish, or is this a real concern???
i feel that people might think they are talking to me when the actually are not.
the one and only..........and very orignal.... Purplemonkey
i agree that they have not done anything wrong, per se
but i wonder why they chose that name?
is it that they want to impersonate me, or just a coincidence?
Stop being silly and come to my party: http://www.swingingheaven.co.uk/swingers-forum/viewtopic/61915.html
Minx x x
you wait til some bugger nicks your avatars on a regular basis :taz:
well it happens doesn't it?, theres Him'nHer, Him&Her, His and Hers, HisandHers, alsorts.
I guess the avatars are the only quick way of telling us apart........ until someone nicks it, which would piss me off cos that really is H in ours.....
sympathy for M2PU