if you see a fish with bubbles front and rear, i'd guess they might have a guilty secret
(do fish fart? )
Quote by davej
sob..... sob..... sob.....
I have found what remains of the missing silver shark...........
And there wasn't that much left of him........
Some nasty little fish in the tank has EATEN him........!!!!!
I have looked carefully.... but none look suspicious or guilty........
I have disposed of the silver shark......
equi-princess xxx
Quote by welshBIcouple
Aw equi, sorry about you loss !!
I bought my GF a 4ft tank and all the trimmings for xmas as she has always wanted one, and she is gutted if even one of the neons goes awol
We have a shark in there, a red tail one, and she would be really really gutted if she lost her shark as he is her favourite by a long way !!
Sorry again about your loss, think you should replace him quickly
Nigel & Claire