Welcome to the forum
Have fun and enjoy the strangeness
thankyou misschief any of you guys got any sound advice? :twisted:
sound advice - i will be myself. I don't really follow the media, I find it disillusional in itself, it all seems like a school of piranah's that rip a story to peices just to get the darkest secrets out of it, I just can't be bothered with it.
Its long and boring, so hopefully I will find likeminded peeps on here, that don't ignore the world but just choose to do something better with there lives rather than worry about the next catastrophy...
thx for the effort you made in that post misschief..
Hmmm! "The newbie doth protest too much, methinks."
The jury is still out on this one. I shall wait and see.
Hiya DarkSouljah, and TnH,
Bit much when all the new people have to stand in a corner chatting to themselves. Advice DS. Think about your own sexuality, and what you want out of membership in Swinging Heaven, then look to meet people. You will find there are many different people in here, with many different lifestyles. There is scope for you to look for what you want, rather than trying to fit in with what other people want.
Besides, unless you can say what you are after, and why, you will just look like another bloke with a full sack too lazy to have a wank!