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Name & Shame?

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58 replies
7 watchers
Quote by clarensteve_lincs_69796
Very well put Mal609(without the mod cap)
But still there obviously is a problem that everyone has,there has to be some way,surely??

Not EVERYONE-don't belive that for a moment!
: Heres hoping that i have not afended anyone! :doh:
PM ME IF I HAVE! I AM ONLY A NEWBIE! help arrrrrrrrr :sticky:
love debbiexxx :rose:
i never let the bed bugs bite only my men smackbottom
Quote by Marya
I'm a newbie and I'm not great - I'm bloody marvellous!
If you don't believe me just ask..... who?
Is it not an invasion of privacy for me to post on here the names of people I've had the pleasure of pleasuring? Or is that just bragging??
Mxx biggrin

Hi Marya
Ok fair point, newbies wont have any recommends... what do you want the moon on a stick?
Yes technically you'd have to ask and receive permission to post on the Feedback forum, but still those who agreed would benefit and those who didn't would get along fine without your feedback.
Do I need to ask before quoting you or is a public post fair game? Maybe I would have to ask you if I used an edited version of your post, which I could twist into a whole new meaning for those who skipped your reply and just read mine that appeared below it.
I'm trying to say that all systems have a way they can be got round or misued, but a system based on being nice to people is surely better than one that picks fault? Remember this is all optional, not being forced on people - maybe you have a meet with someone and then say can you say I'm great on the Feedback forum?
P.S. Why has the NE become a bastion of swinging only after I move away from the area?!? (Don't answer that sad )
Naming and shaming - bad idea.
Banning single males from PMing - bad idea - If I'd been banned from Pming people I'd never have made some wonderful acquaintances here.
Praising people - good idea - it works very well on e-bay.
I nuked my adultfriendfinder account a while back, but on my last login I think I noticed they'd introduced some kind of praising feedback thingy? Anyone know how well that's working for them?
Some of you on here may have used newsgroups (NNTP) basically thats all this forum is, a free format (semi-unmoderated) newsgroup.
There is no way to mung (hide) your PM address, although perhaps someone not wishing to have PM's might like a small button to click preventing PM's Obvously tho if they wanted to corispond then they would always have to make the first contact giving an email address... or the site could work so that the PM button doesnt show, but once you'd recieved a PM then you could respond to their PM box.
That said... i'm alamost 100% sure the programs behind these forums are standard as they all look the same (guessing its hosted on Linux or somesuch)
When it comes to name and shame I think the best thing is to send the details to the mods, they or the site admin should be able to tell if they are faked, perhaps by looking at the original server data... not the "quoted" details as it would be possible to fake that... then you get into loads of issues of confidentiallity, its only because we trust the site admin that we respect/expect he will not look into personal PM's.
I tend not to personally PM people, unless i've "got to know them" and have something to say other than "fancy a shag..."
I guess people could use the sigs to put acceptable contact/what looking for... but then you could end up with huge sigs..... I think this is where a simple link to an advert is better, perhaps with a "feel free to PM about non-sexual matters" :-)
I am now feeling uneasy about my avatur , does anyone think the wooly hat is a bit too see thru ? It's a worry ,all that naked skin of my bald spot showing though where I pearled 2 instead of casting off.
Flipper said:
.....where I pearled 2 instead of casting off.

Well Flipper, you certainly have some of us in stitches. lol
WOW, what a debate. I changed my opinion at least three times reading through the three pages of replies.
As a single/newbie guy it would be unfair to restrict the use of PMs. All the talk of implementing new rules or using extra computer software may push this site away from being free. I ain't a skinflint but this site appealed to me because it was free and I was able to view it over a number of days to see if it was what I was looking for. I did notice there was a lot of single males being banned or booted on the chatroom but it became easier to see who the "regulars" were and chatted to them.
I am in regular msn and phone contact with a lady from this site and made friends with her. Without the use of PMs this friendship wouldn't have happened. Yes there are idiots but don't class all of us as the same.
Marya, Jezzay and Mal put it well. What we don't want to be is Mary Whitehouse and complain about something where we have a button that gets rid of the offending material. For her it was the on/off button, for couples or singles that are offended then use the delete.
Right, I am running before I am done over. Bye xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Marya , I got my file of knitting patterns out , and you know it's all my fault. The pattern is titled cosy woollen hat , complete with ambiguos bobble , and I just hadn't noticed.` redface
I had a few drinks last night and forgot to put my teeth in when camming ARRRRRRRRRRRRR......................sos boys! He he! rotflmao
Hope u cannot get banned 4 being over the limit! thats me gone then! :cheers:
love debbie :rose:
Dear All,
As a single male I do realise that people must get loads of unwanted PM's but is'nt it going to happen ?
I think that making "single men" to be trouble is very unfair. On the other hand its good that this has been put on the Fourm as an debate is a great thing instead of watchinh another repeat on the Television. Also I do think that the up & coming Munches
( Camping, Manchester & London ) will show whom are the commited members of this forum.
Getting unwanted PM's is an problem the only way to findout if a person is geniune is by going to their profile & reading their previous posts. This is the best way of viewing an person no matter if they are single or couple.
I do think that an guide should be given that could so people whom are new to SH & the 'net tips like an idots guide. Luck should 'ave it that I have experience with Internet Forums so I know what to do & how to build friendships. Not everyone is me ?
More of the topical stuff please as it shows that NOT every single male has his brains between his legs.
Dragon dé Ecstacy.
Quote by Dragon dé Ecstacy
I do think that an guide should be given that could so people whom are new to SH & the 'net tips like an idots guide.

You mean like this?
Please please
keep it as it is,
as a single ish bloke I would hate to be banned from PMs.
I enjoy the personal thing about PMs, sometimes it takes a while to get to know people, but in time it is really good to enjoy a more intimate time with folks in PM.
thanks to all those of you who put up with me and my PMs, but on the whoile they are well meant.
and like a previous poster I hope that an over indulgence will not result in a banning!
and hey anyone who wishes to have a laugh, PM me whenever I will speak with anyone, even Easy!! cos he is easy!! like me!!
I recently pm'd a couple on here who had been getting similar issues. The answer is simplistic and easy. Punch up word and write a couple of no thank you type replies. IF you get some dimwit who pms with a tool like a donkey or can do whatever for europe, then cut and paste the reply you want?
I will ALWAYS pm peoiple with the odd laugh line, and so far no one has told me to bugger off! A few have not answered, but I take this as said. However I think it is so easy to cut and paste, and you can do it quickly? Every rule can and will be broken, and like what has been said after a couple of attempts they go away!
Would'nt it be nice for fellas to be bombarded with women pming us? furkin chance!
Quote by Mark
I've obviously been following this thread and, while I'd relish the extra work of hacking the various systems about*, I too can't really see a need. JudyTV's post two above mine is how I see it too.
If anyone's going against the AUP, which states, "... if it's illegal, unfriendly, or you're here trying to make money in some way (no matter how directly or indirectly) then you are NOT welcome to use this site...", then let us know and we'll sort it out (us being me and/or any of the Mods).
I see it as a lot of work for little return... at best! At worst, it'll negatively affect the current dynamic.
* :bs:

OH SHIT I'm in trouble now :scared: lol
OK I conceed the there are some measures in place and that this is only a small problem, but I've had a few PMs from members thanking me for raising this question, so it must be something that some of us feel is becoming a problem.
Maybe a sticky that would remind members that PMs are there for contacting and not off-board harrasment might prove more agreeable to everyone?
You never know , this might cut down some of the spamming and so reduce your bandwidth? dunno
I'm going to ask for this thread to be locked as I feel that the majority of the board don't want to alter the feel of the board by implementing new rules. If any of the mods disagree they can choose to leave it open, but I think this topic has run it's course.
To those of you that are having problems PLEASE contact the mods. Don't put up with the sort of stuff these people are doing.
Quote by easy
Maybe a sticky that would remind members that PMs are there for contacting and not off-board harrasment might prove more agreeable to everyone?

Hows about a reminder on the PM-authoring page?
Quote by roger743
Maybe a sticky that would remind members that PMs are there for contacting and not off-board harrasment might prove more agreeable to everyone?

Hows about a reminder on the PM-authoring page?
:cheers: Not a bad idea. biggrin
First of a public apology to Easy for my very brief (abrupt?) contribution before. The reason is that I really wanted to contribute to what is quite a radical debate but I was very short on time.
Generally, I think the principle of "If it ain't broke - don't fix it" applies. Most people seem to really enjoy themselves here and the moans seem to be few and ephemeral. If people are genuinely getting cheesed off then I'm sure they'd raise it with the Mods and if it was widespread Mark and others would be persuaded to do something.
As I said before I'd be dead against banning anybody PMing as I think it one of the real pleasures (giving and receiving to use a familiar phrase!). Others have said enough about the naming and shaming issue.
Anyway, Easy old pal, don't for goodness sake regret bringing it up - a debate is not only healthy - it's damn good fun too! More power to your elbow (wrist??) - whatever!
Well, having read all these replies, i still stick with my original view. I think pm's should be available to all, all it takes is a simple reply to say "Sorry, not interested". only then, after several problems and repeated requests by mods etc to comply by rules should anyone be publicly named and shamed.
I've had a few unwanted PMs. Thatcher, that bloke without a top lip, Blair ...
I'll get my coat.
I love the idea of punishment for those that offend, so Im off now to send lots of offensive PM's!!!!!
Question is whose going to volunteer to administer the punishment and will it be hand, paddle or whip??? biggrin
Quote by foxylady 123
I love the idea of punishment for those that offend, so Im off now to send lots of offensive PM's!!!!!

I look forward to reading it. :twisted:
Quote by foxylady 123
Question is whose going to volunteer to administer the punishment

ME ME ME ME :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Quote by foxylady 123
...and will it be hand, paddle or whip??? biggrin

yes :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Unswung wrote:
I've had a few unwanted PMs. Thatcher, that bloke without a top lip, Blair ...

I am not inconsiderably amused...oh yes!
Any more peas, Norma?
Quote by MikeNorth
Unswung wrote:
I've had a few unwanted PMs. Thatcher, that bloke without a top lip, Blair ...

I am not inconsiderably amused...oh yes!
Any more peas, Norma?
Spot the Spitting Image" generation. lol :lol: