Is it time for some form of National Service in modern Britain?
I live in a shared house. Ive shared with JB, a 30 yr old single guy, a reformed bad boy whos now found God and changed his ways. Hes quiet, respectful and good company.
On Wednesday, all hell let loose when the landlord moved 2 kids in. Shes late teens, sheepish, hes late teens, cropped hair, gelled down, pasty white skin, constantly sniffing no doubt due to his sinuses rebelling at the nicotene cloud he lives in and looks shifty. ( yes im sounding like my mum i kno)
First the stench of nicotene, the loudess of music, the constant bumping of walls, stamp stamp stamp up and down stairs at all hours, then finding the front door unlocked at all hours, the mess left in the kitchen.
Last night i had not long got in from work, just logged on to here actually, sat reading and WTF. I thought the front door was coming off the hinges. I looked out the window and some spotty faced kid with a tin of beer was bashing down the front door. I settled back into reading mail and the noise continued. I snapped and went down stairs in my tee shirt and knix, opened the unlocked door and told the kid to fk off, he started pulling faces and i stepped out into the road and told him to run while he could, ....and he did. Man over the road looking through curtians was impressed!!
I went down stairs for a wee at 7ish to find a big lump of green snot on the tiolet seat. Stormed up to the kids room and asked for some of his time, marched him down and asked him to identify the lump on the seat. Mumbled grunts followed, and he cleaned it off, appologied and swore it wouldnt happen again.
I later went out to get a take away, ....door unlocked, so i locked it, went up road, came back 10 mins later, ......door unlocked again. Deep breath, dont over react Amy.
Went to the loo at 8 this morning and checked the loo seat before sitting, .... dirty little **** has pissed all over it. The kitchen is trashed, washing up left, a lump of cheese on the floor, the bin stinks of fag ends.
Just called landlord, said i wasnt paying rent for every day the kid is in the house, explained why and he said 'OH no, we had to give him a chance but i will move him out today"
It seems the kid has a history and clearly doesnt know how to live in civilised company.
Whos fault is this?, i know hes got a dad, possibly a mum too, so why is he a wild animal.
Yeah, i know some of you are parents of teenagers and your going to say they can be a handful, but im sure they dont behave like this?
Do we need a compulsory national service type "finishing school" for teenagers who need educating, guiding and moulding into shape by valued role models?
Most of my "men" have been military. I dont conciously check to see if hes military before i decide to manouver......( a man chases a woman till she catches him), but i guess the way they behave attracts me and its all because of the training and discipline.
I wasnt thinking of national service in the 1950's sense of the word, but certainly some compulsary personal training to instill all the good qualities that seem to be lacking in majority of the youth of today.
I was raging inside but didnt blow my top. I remembered how my step dad would handle the situation and applied accordingly. As much as i hated step dad, he taught me, ....through beating and to behave and do the right thing. Well there is a right and wrong way to do things, he was wrong, but same end result.
Im not advocating beating and harsh treatment unless its a last resort with the real hard nuts who cant learn any other way.
I treated the kid as an adult, asked for his help with "our" problem, and made it clear though superior attitude and posturing that he had to find the solution.
I had hoped he would see the importance of acting resposibly, but when he pissed on the seat this morning, i knew the lesson wasnt learned, so the stick has come out and ive evicted him.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LP, ive come over all feint now, what with those eyes and your stern manner
Can we play drill and manoveres later?
I think you should have a word with your landlord hun. It's unacceptable for him to expect you to put up with this kid's behaviour as he's obviously not house trained in the slightest!
I'm all for the return of National Service and would have no qualms about my son spending 2 years doing it. Although he IS house trained and very respectful I think there is a need for ALL teenagers to be taught how to behave and some more than others are in dire need of some discipline.
I've already expressed my views in a previous thread about a 'Bad Lad's Army' style boot camp to be introduced for young offenders
Well Darkfire, no matter how angry inside i am and whotever i write here, i havent been rude or lost my temper with the kid, ..his mate however got an earfull and with good reason. Ive just been downstairs to tell another door banger to bugger off. For all i know, the kid is a drug dealer, hes only been here 68 hours and his druggie mates are calling. JB and I have just got over the hassle at xmas.
If this kid has a history (of what sort i dont know) would it be appropriate for them to be in National service. Im all for national service as i think kids can learn alot from it, self respect,self sufficient, a trade, pride, but not all kids would be suited for it. Plain unruly ones yes but kids with emotional problems maybe no. I think they should make joining the service as opposed to national service more appealing to the youngters of today. Give them a good wage, make them aware of the exciting opportunities that can be had from it, ie travelling the world etc and maybe more would be willing to do it.
Louise xx
My colleagues used to take small groups of teenagers on Survival Weekends. It was run by army personell. It was also voluntary to attend.
They had to learn survival skills, build there own camp, bed, living area, fire etc. Learn how to find food (or kill it if need be) as the army rations they were given wasn't enough.
They didnt have a nice power shower or a toilet on hand either.. :shock: It was in the middle of no-where, with nothing to do on an evening...execpt nite walking activities, keeping your fire going etc
They werent allowed to take luxuries, luggage was checked to see they had brought basics as requested.
The weekends were meant to be a learning experiences in self development, inter personal skills, team skills etc etc. For most they were great, for the *hardened known troublemakers* it didnt have much effect in the short or long term at all...... the *offending status* they had previously stayed the same.
I know it was only a long weekend so maybe not long enough for any long term effet to have impact.
Finding funding for something like this is extremely difficuilt. Government wont pay or who will?
As for the Brat Style Camps..... yeah I'd love to take a bunch of young peeps on one of them. Its the Tv programmes paying for this though, it makes good telly!! So again.......whose gong to pay for it? Anyone remember the outrage when Social Services sent a young lad to Africa??? Yet,it was in the same vein of Brat Camp (long before it existed).... loads complained and saw it as a luxury trip.
Im not sure what the answer is... one of the things that young people used to say a lot to me was *they want to be treated as an adult* and I replied, *to be treated as one, you have to behave like one*.
Scandal is right... what the hell do you all think happens when you give poorly equipped people a loaded weapon ?? Do you think that it teaches them how not to snot on toilet seats? (when I say poorly equipped I mean emotionally, mentally, socially)
Do you all have any idea what the "training" in the armed forces does to those that aren't resiliant ? Those that aren't tough already. ?? It creates weaker, scared, frightened people. With loaded weapons.
Have a look at the news, properly.... not the glamorised, gung ho parts, the bits where our soldiers are getting court martialled for murdering and . No, this isn't the majority. It isn't even a fair proportion. But it is happening. And it is our wonderful troops.
I don't hide what I used to do. I don't regret it. But I do know the truth of it.