This is a little self indulgent, but we just have to tell some one!
Nerves and excitement are setting in for this Saturday night, we are off to;
Its not just our fisrt time at this club, its our first time at anyclub.
We have come a long way since we first joined here in 2009, we have not been here a year yet but have had a ball since we joined. At that time we were 100% vanilla's
For the exsperienced amoungst you, leave us a tip for the evening and wish us luck.
Communicate... with each other and have a lovely time! :twisted:
only do things that you want to and are comfy with, dont feel pressured, and use the word no when you want to use it and have loads of fun xx
Go without expectations - you will then no doubt be pleasantly surprised - but go with some 'rules' about what you are both happy for each of you to do/not do.
As Earthy said, have fun!
Thanks for the advise and taking the time to reply.. :thumbup:
try not to be shy smile lots and chat to many just because you say hi it does not commit you to playing with them but you might just end up making a new friend or 2 and they will be able to tell you more about that particular club
never be afraid to say no, if someone is not your cuppa or is pushy a simple no thankyou is a must don't feel pushed into anything or obliged to let them carry on
the most important rule for us was that if one was not happy and said no to something then the other would respect that wish and agree without question luckily it was something that was rarely put into action but good to know as then neither of us felt they had to take one for the team so to speak
having a drink is nice but don't use it as an aid to play there is nothing worse at a club than seeing others falling down drunk
hope this helps a little
have a fabulous night hope you really enjoy your first visit and i'm sure you will have a fabulous time
Thanks Bouncy
Only 24 hour to go now.. :twisted:
What will be will be dont have expectations then you wont have dissapointments , enjoy one another and the thrill of a new environment,be safe and comfortable in all you choose too take part in and remember first and foremost no means NO if they ignore ya smack the tw*ts
Thanks everyone, in the hotel room on slow Internet connection
Will report back tomorrow
Thanks for all your support and kind words, Things really did not go as we had hoped at all. On the way to the hotel the wife began to feel poorly, but we put it down to nerves.
Later in the hotel room as we were getting ready it became obvious that it was more than nerves and after much soul searching we took the decision not to attend the club. In fact we never ventured out of the hotel until the morning.
There are lots of reasons we took that decision but as our first time at a club we did not want extra things on our mind. Most importantly, I am only a voyeur, the wife is the lady of action and she has to be enjoying her self.
So quite an anti-climax for both of us, and we were a little worried as we had pre-paid, but on contacting the owner they were fantastic and we can go any time we like. so when we next have no little one's again for an evening we will try again. Could be some wait for us though :sad:
Things happen in their own good time. I think you did the right thing and another time you wsill feel better. I'm a voyeur to Mrs Lost as well and know what you both must feel. If you ever fancy trying again give us a call and we'll gladly come along as friendly support. It is si bloody difficult that first time and we cam both empathise fully, Power to ya's guys