A toe first .. then a leg and before you know it you will be swimming like mad with the rest of us Mickeyjp
:welcome: to SH
Hiya Mickey
Don't be nervous.......
It's still daytime - we are the gentle crowd!
Wait till it goes dark!!! :shock:
Only kidding - nice to meet you.
Welcome to the nuthouse!
Hi to you all who've replied to me.
I quite look forward to seeing what happens after dark.............!!!!!!!
Perhas someone can give me a clue??
Well, its more difficult to see and it gets a little colder usually.
seriosly though, just join in the mad house and try to get along to a social so that you can be verified as 'not a looney'. You can a really good laugh on here and no inhibitions, there are those that would shock even me!
Enjoy the site