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new boy wanting guidance

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1 watcher
Hi everybody, Im Paul and very new to this scene.
Forgive my ignorance, but if I dont ask I wont learn.
Please help
What does the terms 'munches' stand for and 'sticky' - have seen these terms used on this site.
Also I would welcome any proper advice from more experienced folks on how to get into the bdsm scene. Would prefer a one to one introduction to start as opposed to visiting a main club.
Have looked on SH and even answered a few adverts but not had any replies. Agree there are lots of time wasters about.
Any help would be appreciated
Go there and you'll learn all you need to know.
Vicky x
Welcome Paul xx
And `stickies` are topics which the mods pin to the top of the pages so that they do not get pushed down by other active topics (threads)
Thanks Vicky
Just proves my point if you dont ask you dont learn. Now I know where to look.
Thanks Venus.
Can anybody help with my other questions.
Quote by novice2005
Hi everybody, Im Paul and very new to this scene.

:welcome: to the Cafe Paul.
Quote by novice2005
Any help would be appreciated

Think about changing your forum name. 10 years from now do you really want to be known as "novice2005"? Believe me... you'll still be here in 10 years :twisted:
to manofmuchfun and cu3b4ll
assuming i have done it right I have pm you both.