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New DVD Player

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4 watchers
The world is split into Regions for the purpose of marketing the DVD's and to provide some sort of stability (or hiking ) in prices. The aim of the distributors was to restrict you to only buing able to play say Region 1 DVD's , rather than source them from somewhere very, very cheap. As yours is a multi region - it can play DVD's from anywhere..
Plus most DVD players these days can be hacked to allow the playing of all region DVD's..
I am sure there is a more complete answer - but I don't have it
She will without doubt forget about the money she owes you in a bout of post graduation drukeness, this is inevitable I still owe my parents vast sums of money.
As for washing up student wash up only when absolutley neccesary usually on sunday evenoings when there are very few takeaways open and the pubs are shut.
Yoof....... dunno and I'm 32 (tomorrow :shock: sad )
Multiregion dvd, now that I can help you with.
As Fun mentioned above, the world is divided into regions (regions 1-6). We live in region 2 (europe) and we usually get movies released on DVD between 1 month to 8 months after our US friends. A little unfair. Machines come out of the factory region free (multiregion) and the manufacturer then installs software to allocate a region to that particular machine depending where it's going. So for example one going to Europe would get software for region 2 and one going to America would get software for region 1. Simple.
But hold on......we want to be able to watch movies when our yank friends can? This isn't fair :( evil
So some bright spark worked out that that you could revert the player back to region free (multiregion) and play all the discs from wherever you wanted. BONUS biggrin
Some players are now sold multiregioned (usually done by the retailer as it can sometimes be a complicated operation) and some you have to perform a series of actions (usually with the remote) to access the software and alter the region coding.
With me so far? Good. :D
As yours is a "budget" model, if it's not already multiregion (try it first 'cos a lot are and just not advertised. You'll need a region 1 disc (us) to find out)), then you'll need to do a google search for your make, model and "multiregion" or "hacks". This should lead you to a site that lists a lot of DVD players and the information you need to acces the software to change it to multiregion.
Once you've done that you're ready to play your imported DVDs.
And to help your collection I'll point you in the direction of a very good US import DVD store.

The company is based in Jersey and imports discs from Canada. I always use them as I've NEVER had any problems with them. :D wink
Hi Judy. :thumbup:
After reading another of your posts mentioning kids, you seem to be having a bad time of it at the mo. It will be nice when your offspring repay you all those "loans". (Oh yeah!). But can't you remember when you were that age.
Don't you just appreciate the fact that they are inventing so many things. :shock:
They are the first to play music really loud, they can teach us a few things about dressing in cool, trendy gear, (does that age me?), they have taught us how to hang about in big groups on street corners, and of course we never had bottles of cider from the offy. (Does anybody remember brown split) drinkies
We should be thanking them for the richness that they are bringing to out lives.
Quote by easy
We live in region 2 (europe) and we usually get movies released on DVD between 1 month to 8 months after our US friends.
You'll need a region 1 disc (us) to find out))

confused :? :? :? HELP!! Are these two regions compatible???? No wonder I have a personality split at weekends!
The multi region now is purely a rip off, however (nerd mode on) the disparity between release dates used to be for physical reasons....
Originaly the film was made in the states, over there the master reels were copied and then ditributed all over the sates where local copiers then produced the local copys for a given area.
One or two masters where shipped over to the uk where they were then copied and distributed, copying film reels is not a quick process so the combination of making the copies and shipping them to the uk was the reason for the films being released 3-6 months later in the UK.
Stupidly keeping this time disparity has probably lost the film industy nearly as much as it makes in extra profit using the US-UK price mark up as by the time the film reaches the cinema in the uk its already hit the black market DVD's either by someone with a cam corder in a cinema in the states, or via the stateside DVD being copied if the film to DVD time in the states is short because the film didnt do so well at the box office.
Just to add a further piece of help (or confusion) to this theres always the Australian market to buy from too !
Although marked as Region 4 when it comes to DVD's, they share our higher quality PAL picture as opposed to America's NTSC. The Aussie dollar seems to be up and down like an uppy-downy thing so can work out quite cheap if bought at the right time, with the bonus of that ideal picture. type.
The land down under also has an odd release schedule compared with us - sometime discs are up to 6 months later getting there but sometimes they are that much ahead of us too !! For example I bought the new DVD release of Pink Floyds "Live at Pompei" some 4 months before the UK release AND at two thirds the cost - delivery, amazingly, took just six days from order to arrival !!
I'd try - I've used them quite a few times and they have good solid delivery to the UK and lots of offers and sales running most of the time.
Has that helped ? wink
Sneaks a snog with Carpy kiss :kiss:
Quote by Jags
Sneaks a snog with Carpy kiss :kiss:

Ooooooh, you must have guessed I'd see a techie message and drop a reply in - I can't help myself! biggrin
Glad it all worked OK Judy. smile
The one I bought from Amazon is definitely "Multi region", but it is a different make to yours I think (although the price is the same).
If they've advertised it "Multi region" then it should be straight out of the box.
And I quite agree, under £40 delivered to your door, how is that possible!!???
Quote by Jags
We live in region 2 (europe) and we usually get movies released on DVD between 1 month to 8 months after our US friends.
You'll need a region 1 disc (us) to find out))

confused :? :? :? HELP!! Are these two regions compatible???? No wonder I have a personality split at weekends!
Nope. there's no cross-compatability unless the DVD player has been modified to play discs from all regions.
Just to confuse things even more, most porn discs are region 0, also known as region-free and will play anywhere in the world.
Quote by Carpathian
Sneaks a snog with Carpy kiss :kiss:

Ooooooh, you must have guessed I'd see a techie message and drop a reply in - I can't help myself! biggrin
:happy: :happy:
Quote by easy
Just to confuse things even more, most porn discs are region 0, also known as region-free and will play anywhere in the world.

Which as ever goes to show how the porn industry is leading the way in terms of common sense !! :twisted: wink
just be careful of what u put in it!!
dont want no more problems!! otherwise u cud be buying a new dvd
player every week!!