Hi there,
I am new here and have just a couple of questions and would be eternally grateful for help.
I am confused by some of the initials used, is therea help page that will give me their meanings?
Is it normal that I am getting a lot of contact from single guys even though my ad is pretty clear ( well, I think it is ) about what I am looking for?
Do I HAVE to post a sexy pic? I have had quite a few emails asking to see some and the sad fact is I just don't have any. Hmmmm ... maybe I should start a volunteer list for cameraman.
Lastly ...... Is it rude of me to expect sex to be safe ( i.e protection )
I won't bore you with all my other minor questions. I ask the above ones in particular due to some things that have happened to me on here in the last couple of days.
All help welcome and hell, with the way I feel today a hug would be nice too :crazy:
Thanks, Abilene xxxxx
One more thing .... how in the world do I add a pic ober there on the left and how do I put a signature in????
Abilene xxx
Hi and :welcome: to the forum. Abilene
Some one will help point you to the relevant help pages.
You post what pics you see fit to post and no one else.
No it's not rude to expect safe sex and don't concider any other way what ever anyone says. Unless thats what you want.
If you have any questions just ask in here there are many who will help
All the best and hope you find what you want.
Hi and welcome to the forum and the site.
I'm sure you'll get much more help on the teckie front than I can give you.
Yes you will get attention from single guys, don't ignore all of them, some of them here on the forum are actually human :shock:
As for the safe sex thing, you're here for your enjoyment and your benifit and you shouldn't be expected to do anything you don't feel comfortable doing. Don't be affraid of saying no and don't be bullied into anything you don't want to do. (not that I'm saying you would)
Most importantly of all, enjoy yourself and have fun :twisted:
When you're looking around for info about the "picture over there, ao the left" - it's known as an avatar. That's what you need to look for in your settings thingy.
Has anyone directed you here yet ?
The mentor scheme for new members.
Holy Cow !!! ( again ... man, there's alot of cows in my laptop today ! )
I got it !!! I got it !!! :bounce: :bounce:
Nice tats De_Sade. Are they the only ones? I am sadly addicted to tats ... have nine myself.
Slingbacks ... shoes that have a strap going around the back of the ankle .... will try to find you a picture later.