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New guy!

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Hello all smile My name is Andy (yes, another one! Unfortunately I'm no fireman though, lol) and I'm new to this site, and swinging in general. I'm 21, single, and live in North London, work part time in a restaurant. I've been to only a couple of swinging/sex parties, though they were invites from friends of friends who have since moved away.
I've found the people at these sort of parties to be THE best to talk with, very open and not at all like normal parties you go to.
So I'm trying to get more active in the swinging world, and hoping I might make some good friends from this site ;)
Hello, Noob.
Happy hunting.
Quote by Randy_Andy21
Hello all smile My name is Andy (yes, another one! Unfortunately I'm no fireman though, lol) and I'm new to this site, and swinging in general. I'm 21, single, and live in North London, work part time in a restaurant. I've been to only a couple of swinging/sex parties, though they were invites from friends of friends who have since moved away.
I've found the people at these sort of parties to be THE best to talk with, very open and not at all like normal parties you go to.
So I'm trying to get more active in the swinging world, and hoping I might make some good friends from this site ;)

Thank God :bounce:
Have fun Andy :thumbup:
Hiya Andy and :welcome: to swingingheaven biggrin
Have fun!
Minx x x
Hi Andy....
Welcome to SH....
Mellow out and enjoy the forum and the chatroom..... loads of really nice people in
Hope you find what you're looking for....
equi-princess xxx
Do we allow none firemen on this site? lol
:welcome: to swinging heaven
hi guys... I couldn't spy a "Hello I'm new here!" thread, so this will have to do (save starting yet another little-used thread!).
My name's Matty I'm 30 years old and from Merseyside. Like Andy I'm not a fireman either... I am a doorman though, if that's any use!
Quote by liverpool30
hi guys... I couldn't spy a "Hello I'm new here!" thread, so this will have to do (save starting yet another little-used thread!).
My name's Matty I'm 30 years old and from Merseyside. Like Andy I'm not a fireman either... I am a doorman though, if that's any use!

oooh yes..i have a thing about big burly doormen!!
hello to you! and andy too of course.
Welcome Randy_Andy21 :welcome: Hpe you have loads of fun smile
Welcome to liverpool30 Also :welcome: have lots of fun!
Hi have a great time here, hope you enjoy your stay and happy hunting. biggrin
Quote by fluffer
oooh yes..i have a thing about big burly doormen!!
hello to you!

Well that's a good start i guess! Hello to you too fluffer & sharon wink
Thanks for all the warm welcomes everyone! And hi Liverpool30! Here's hoping we find whatever we're looking for here smile lol
hello I am a fireman biggrin
Quote by markz
hello I am a fireman biggrin

(edit ........................ oh sorry, Hi and :welcome: to the new guys, enjoy)
no I am not here's a pic of me at work
Quote by markz
no I am not here's a pic of me at work

:welcome: o littel one! worship to the mad house biggrin ..............hope you learn and enjoj
sit back and have a beer! :cheers:
Quote by Debbiewebs
:welcome: o littel one!

I may be a young'un to all you old folks, but little? :fuckinghell: Them's fightin' words! Select your weapon! duel
Quote by markz
hello I am a fireman biggrin
Are you really, i know someone who`d love to meet you wink