OH yeah id love to be perfect, but then if everyone was perfect, would we want the imperfect?
Thing is there is always something most of us are not happy with, in our own bodies.
For guys it can hair loss....
For ladies it can be weight....
For others it may be nose shape...sticky out ears...etc etc
Its like asking most average blokes if a pill was available that instantly gave you rock hard pecs and a six pack, would you take it. For me anyway the answer would be yes...but thats because I am lazy arse and don't fancy doing 3 hours a day down the gym. As that pill is not available... I stay as I am....confident and happy in my myself.
Iv'e always been more overweight than I should and we didn't have a fridge when i was younger so I don't see the connection.
In reply to the original question.... nope I wouldn't take a pill to make me lose weight as I'm happy as I am.
You do right there star, she's a Manchester lass and don't 'arf pack a punch :lol2:
To put a different spin on the original question; Ladies, would you consider gaining a few pounds if you found out you were the object of Brucie's desires?
Situation normal - thread degenerates into insults and gets locked.