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New Logo

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15 watchers

It's already been said, but isn't the idea of the pin to be unrecognisable unless you actually fulfil the criteria to own one.
Also, at present, it is the intellectual property of a group of people associated with a website, rather than the property of the website owners, and maybe should stay that way.
Agreed :thumbup:
It is something that is the brainchild of the members and designed and created by a small group of people and most of all ITS SECRET in as much as its design is not commonly known..
lets keep it that way and NOT let it get commercial because in my opinion that would de-value its worth and meaning and would be a slur on those who spent so much time and effort in designing/making/distributing it..
I am struggling to see it for what it is.
All i can see is a double dildo :twisted: you know the ones with a vaginal and an anal probe!
Looks a bit sleazy to me.
Gill x

A very good point, I would also like to remind people that if we wish to keep the pin design a secret everyone should shut-up about its shape, colour etc etc. Pretty soon there is going to be enough information on here for someone to work out what the pin looks like without seeing one. confused

I agree about keeping the Pin as a discreet secret for long standing members. If everyone has one with the logo emblasoned all over it with huge flashing letters saying "I'm a swinger come shag me" then I think it defeats the point of us going through a thread the size of war n peace to get the pin made.
I have come back today and looked again at the proposed logo and I still dislike it, even more now Gill has mentioned the double-ended dildo thing.
Nope......... back to the drawing board. smile
Gem. x
Dont like it much , its a bit lazy . Needs some work - and cant really be judged unless it against a whole site scheme .
I definately seem to be in the minority about this with two thirds of voters saying "it can be improved" and an unknown number I suppose not liking it at all.
But I was wondering if the split was on length of time as members. My suspicion is that the longer serving members are more anti than we new girls. I have no evidence of this at all, and it doesn't matter really. Just wondering ;-)
Quote by A_geordie_chameleon
I definately seem to be in the minority about this with two thirds of voters saying "it can be improved" and an unknown number I suppose not liking it at all.
But I was wondering if the split was on length of time as members. My suspicion is that the longer serving members are more anti than we new girls. I have no evidence of this at all, and it doesn't matter really. Just wondering ;-)

I don't think so Mick, I've been here an average length of time and have no issue with seeing changes to the look of the site - however, I don't particularly love the new design or the original logo either, the current look seems to highlight the fact that it's a UK site and if it were me in Steve's place, I'd probably move away from those colours completely! biggrin
Quote by A_geordie_chameleon
I was wondering if the split was on length of time as members. My suspicion is that the longer serving members are more anti than we new girls.

Possibly. If your landlord wanted to paint your front door a different colour, you might kick up less of a fuss if you'd just moved in than if you'd been there a long time and liked your home just the way it was.
Quote by Silk and Big G
Dont like it much , its a bit lazy . Needs some work - and cant really be judged unless it against a whole site scheme .

Here you go....... ;) biggrin
Quote by Mister_Discreet
Here's how the new proposal would look in the current site design.

Gem. x
Personally I like the idea of an angel, but this design really does look like a willy and will now represent that for me forever more cool I also agree that the colours are too pale and insipid. I think a whole new design with an angel, perhaps not crouching down and which incorporates the SH badges a little better would be nicer.
Quote by rogerthedragon
everyone should shut-up about its shape, colour etc etc.

Yeah OK I'll 'shut-up'. But if you think you can identify it from what's been said or what might've followed - then yer a better man than me Gunga Din!
I don't think the SH Pins have anything to do with a discussion about the SH logo. They're two completely separate things. The pins are private and discreet and are not available to people just because they want one.
I appreciate being given the opportunity to comment on the new design. I have to say though that I feel it's crudely drawn. The bum and the leg are just ridiculous. I'd run a mile if I met a girl THAT shape! I :shock: :shock: :shock: bolt I don't think the colours are nearly strong enough either. Sorry.
On the plus side I quite like the composition. wink
UES innocent :whistling:
Quote by st3v3
...I'm told there's a few graphic designers here so feel free to post your alternatives.

Never one to resist a challenge....
Here's a first attempt at refreshing the site logo. I've restricted myself to something that would drop very simply into the current site design, so the size and background are carried over from the current logo. From what's been said in this thread (well, the serious bits, at least!) I think something big, bright and bold is needed, maybe to match the larger than life personalities we have round here. I've kept to the angelic theme, but concentrated on readability and simplicity. While design by committee is rarely successful, I'm more than willing to revise and redo based on comments in this thread if people want to chip in!
Personally I love it
It has everything ………. it’s a logo, could sooooo easily be made into a badge,
it incorporates a bit of the :gagged: mphml mble mrphf. :gagged:
And it stands out.
Nice one mate :thumbup:
Edited to sayy that I am of course refering to M D's design
Mister Discreet
Nice one mate = I likes it
My impression of the proposed logo is that its not strong enough. It is a little lost and takes while to realise what it is. I think you will all argree that this site is up front and so our logo should be the same. The original logo stands out and is stridant. I would also agree with the union jack being present as it is a British site.
The proposed logo does have something but I think need some considerable work.
Quote by Mister_Discreet
...I'm told there's a few graphic designers here so feel free to post your alternatives.

Never one to resist a challenge....
Here's a first attempt at refreshing the site logo. I've restricted myself to something that would drop very simply into the current site design, so the size and background are carried over from the current logo. From what's been said in this thread (well, the serious bits, at least!) I think something big, bright and bold is needed, maybe to match the larger than life personalities we have round here. I've kept to the angelic theme, but concentrated on readability and simplicity. While design by committee is rarely successful, I'm more than willing to revise and redo based on comments in this thread if people want to chip in!

I've got to say I find the contrast fascinating - nice one MD. Very Flash Gordon, if I may say so!! smile
To my mind Flash has always been a bit sexless and I think the sex bit is obviously an important part of the site. Having said that I also found the lumpy 'slightly unnatural' arty original suggestion to be unsexy too.
I'm with ES on this I'd like to see something with flowing sexy curves and bold colours - maybe something that is enigmatic like Dino's Avatar (with the tree - I know it's not curvy but it's a double entendre).
Quote by westerross
To my mind Flash has always been a bit sexless and I think the sex bit is obviously an important part of the site. Having said that I also found the lumpy 'slightly unnatural' arty original suggestion to be unsexy too.

Have to admit I agree, but I found it very difficult to do 'sexy' in under 142 pixels without being very gender specific, too graphic (!), or a going bit 'wishy-washy'. There's a lot of high impact stuff going on around the logo, so I went big and bold to shout loudest, and sacrificed the sexiness.
Quote by Mister_Discreet
To my mind Flash has always been a bit sexless and I think the sex bit is obviously an important part of the site. Having said that I also found the lumpy 'slightly unnatural' arty original suggestion to be unsexy too.

Have to admit I agree, but I found it very difficult to do 'sexy' in under 142 pixels without being very gender specific, too graphic (!), or a going bit 'wishy-washy'. There's a lot of high impact stuff going on around the logo, so I went big and bold to shout loudest, and sacrificed the sexiness.
lol :lol: Sorry I was behaving like a client - I know. Point taken.
Quote by Mister_Discreet
To my mind Flash has always been a bit sexless and I think the sex bit is obviously an important part of the site. Having said that I also found the lumpy 'slightly unnatural' arty original suggestion to be unsexy too.

Have to admit I agree, but I found it very difficult to do 'sexy' in under 142 pixels without being very gender specific, too graphic (!), or a going bit 'wishy-washy'. There's a lot of high impact stuff going on around the logo, so I went big and bold to shout loudest, and sacrificed the sexiness.
Do we each get a Harley if your smashing logo is by SH? innocent
Well done M_D
Quote by Mister_Discreet
To my mind Flash has always been a bit sexless and I think the sex bit is obviously an important part of the site. Having said that I also found the lumpy 'slightly unnatural' arty original suggestion to be unsexy too.

Have to admit I agree, but I found it very difficult to do 'sexy' in under 142 pixels without being very gender specific, too graphic (!), or a going bit 'wishy-washy'. There's a lot of high impact stuff going on around the logo, so I went big and bold to shout loudest, and sacrificed the sexiness.
On second thoughts p'raps we could have pixel collection for ya! Would an extra 58 to make it up to 200 do? I'm sure I had a few scratching around in this drawer somewhere! wink By the way too graphic is good innit?? lol
- sorry!
Perhaps you could make a bid for ?
You might have a lawsuit on your hands St3v3 lol
Quote by Osmosis
You might have a lawsuit on your hands St3v3 lol

Where the fluck did you find this...!!
CheekyChimp.... cool
It has the same colours and feel as the BT logo and for that reason it could be improved.
A logo should be unique, and identifiable with activity of the organisation it represents unless you have endless pots of money to tell people what the logo means (think Orange).
Why only the female form represented...?
Quote by MikeyMann
It has the same colours and feel as the BT logo and for that reason it could be improved.
A logo should be unique, and identifiable with activity of the organisation it represents unless you have endless pots of money to tell people what the logo means (think Orange).
Why only the female form represented...?

Have you not seen the members take of the new one? :shock: lol
Well I am going to break with my esteemed collegues (or most of them) in saying I liked it. Obviously it won't fit in the current site design, but a white cleaner design I think would look good with the subtle colours of the logo.
Having said that (following the expert redrawing of postie) I think some redesign of the shape is called for, but conceptually I like it.
The old one seems fine to me.
I for one like the new proposed logo it sums me up rather well been the angel that i am.........................Now they may all believe me
Quote by cu3b4ll
Perhaps you could make a bid for >> this one <<?

I'll bid for her.... biggrin
Who do I pay???