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New Logo

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142 replies
15 watchers
Oh my god... I see it now... the angel's head looks like a bell-end and her bum is a scrote. rotflmao
Dawnie I just love your filthy mind biggrin
That HAS to be deliberate? lol
Quote by postie

( and seriously... it looks like she is squatting down for a number 2 IMHO)

:rotflmao: Excellent work Postie! :thumbup:
I agree with Mr.D about the colour being too weak, Kaz was right about the swiglyness of it and the impact is generally a bit wishywashy. I like the fact we can take the piss out of it for the shapes it makes...... but thats about it really....... and how you going to tell people >>> "no cock shots as avatars please!" if the logo looks like that?
My vote>>>
Back to the drawing board
but I'm waiting for the option of>>>
If it aint broke, don't fix it.
I like the one we already have and to be honest if you're trying to make this site international then it will fall down heads first because the basis of this site it a social one...... how on earth are we going to go out and get pissed once a fortnight when the people you chat to live in outer mongolia??? confused
Keep it as it is, it doesn't need changing, not to a squatting shitty angel with a knob-leg thingiemebob with a hatchet in her back and a booty bigger than mine. :? She could devour a small population with that ass. Nope, I don't like it much. Deffo back to the drawing board.
Gem. x
Thank you Little Gem ...
I have been back to the drawing board and using ALL of my skill and expertise i have come up with a logo that'll please everyone biggrin
whaddya think??
:happy: :happy: :happy: :smile2: :smile2: :smile2:
two cocks on one logo??? Is that allowed?
eeeekkkkkkk best get outa here before he reads that one! bolt
Quote by little gem
two cocks on one logo??? Is that allowed?
eeeekkkkkkk best get outa here before he reads that one! bolt

yeah but it looks like Ice can suck his own cock now....
( which is in no way agreeing with naughty Little Gems assumption of 2 cocks on one pic :shock: )
:bolt: too
Quote by postie
two cocks on one logo??? Is that allowed?
eeeekkkkkkk best get outa here before he reads that one! bolt

yeah but it looks like Ice can suck his own cock now....
( which is in no way agreeing with naughty Little Gems assumption of 2 cocks on one pic :shock: )
:bolt: too
I'd run if I were you....Ice_Pie is gonna kick your ass!
I wanna watch! :twisted: lol
Quote by little gem
two cocks on one logo??? Is that allowed?
eeeekkkkkkk best get outa here before he reads that one! bolt

tf late dear rotflmao
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Quote by Ice Pie
just tried printing the logo out in the badge format.
It doesn't work, there is too much detail in the badge and just looks a squiggly mess in small graphics.
The only way to make it work (at the moment) is to make it transparent and put it as a background which defeats the object.
what someone seems to have done is try to make the avatar background the same colour as the post background... he/she should have taken a screen shot and used the eye-drop tool, but it would still only works on one colour of post...
So from the munch badge graphic design team, at the moment.....sorry but it needs a lot of work.

We could sort that out, although what we'dreally like to know is what you think about the look of the proposed logo.
It looks good on the screen, although it doesn't really say "Swinging Heaven" to me personally. (Apart from the fact the actual words are there... oh, you know what I mean lol ) It doesn't lend itself to printing on a small scale, which means as an emblem on anything smaller than a t-shirt it is a bit fiddly, which is the point I think kaz was making in regard to munch badges. For things like that I'd personally prefer "SH Classic" so to speak, to the current proposal.
As for the tie/lapel pin, although it is based on part of an existing SH graphic, it's not a direct copy and it was chosen after a lot of input over a long time from the entire community to identify us to each other as members of SH the community, not SH the website. It's subtle, tasteful, beautifully crafted, instantly recognisable to members and completely meaningless to anyone else, which was the whole point of it. If someone wants to design another one, find a manufacturer, get the fantastic price Sarah got for us, finance the stock, distribute it... fine, but I expect the original, which we own, not the company, will continue for as long as people want it. biggrin
Nice points Ice, theimage on the avater isn't a gif with a transparent backgroung and the original can be redone, we were interested in feedback about the look of it, funny how many people think that the leg looks like a knob.
I'd like to see the design for the tie/lapel pin, would you PM me an image.
Quote by st3v3
[ funny how many people think that the leg looks like a knob.

Not the leg, the whole thing. rotflmao
I'd like to see the design for the tie/lapel pin, would you PM me an image.

Sorry, there are criteria about who has access to the tie pin... I'm not in charge of that but I don't think you've been a member long enough. lol
Quote by st3v3
some stuff to ice pie yadda yadda yadda

Is my design ok then?
Quote by postie

Ice sucking his cock with a hatchet in his back while he takes a crap.........
Nice logo postie! :thumbup:
The pin........ why have I still not managed to get hold of one of these??? Neil insisted he bought two pins at the Yorkshire munch and gave me one.
< awaits the line pickup with baited breath >
The Pin is lovely actaully and after the length of the thread we went through to get a design we all liked and to keep the image off the boards as much as posible because of press intrusions.... I feel it would be a bit horrid to take away the element of the logo that makes the lapel-pin so cool.
Gem. x
Quote by Ice Pie
Sorry, there are criteria about who has access to the tie pin... I'm not in charge of that but I don't think you've been a member long enough. lol

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by postie

Sorry, there are criteria about who has access to the tie pin... I'm not in charge of that but I don't think you've been a member long enough. lol

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by postie

Sorry, there are criteria about who has access to the tie pin... I'm not in charge of that but I don't think you've been a member long enough. lol

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Touche my dear double cock sucking, crouch crapping, hatchet laiden ice-maiden! :thumbup: :lol:
Oooo it's like that advert to a well known brand of cola lipsmakingthirstquenching...... blah
Gem. x
I dont think the idea of an angel is a bad one,but it needs defining a bit having no arms is just wrong confused Oh and that leg does look like a cock lol
i actually quite like the design but agree that the colours need to be changed to match the rest of the site.
NOT the rest of the site changed to match the new logo!
if anyone was to show the admin our badge, i reckon it would be possible to change something on there slightly to bring in what we have.
thats is we ALLOW you to use our design on your logo! wink
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I know some of this has been said before but this a quickie before disappearing to work.
1) Concept OK but it would be good to hear what the brief is for the message it is trying to convey before judging whether it works or not;
2) 'Tis a little enigmatic in a potentially damaging sort of way e.g. the arm behind the head is a good idea but not if it makes her look armless; thigh does look like a knob! and quite frankly, for my taste her arse is too lumpy. Guess my aesthetics are more sexual than arty but I wouldn't want the logo to attract ridicule.
3) I don't think the difference with the pin matters too much. As long as St3v3 etc (Can we have a decent collective name for the new owners p'raps?) don't mind sticking with the pin (geddit?) then it could be quite compatible with the logo. For example if the halo was re-jigged slightly, it could easily be our pin!
Sorry, that's all I can think of at the mo' - see yous later!!
Quote by westerross
For example if the halo was re-jigged slightly, it could easily be our pin!

now this idea I do like :thumbup:
Good morning Swingers (& others)
I have voted for option one.
The colours are too washy and the Thigh, at first glance, looks to much like a cock like others have pointed out.
I am not a happy chappy with the design as it stands. sad
Quote by westerross
. . . As long as St3v3 etc (Can we have a decent collective name for the new owners p'raps?) . . . . .

The 4 Tops (TM blonde)
Not really been here long enough to say anything more than...
Am I the only one who thinks it looks like a really badly designed rampant rabbit?
I really do need to get out to play more rolleyes
can i just point out, even if it was to become the logo, it would not be a good idea to try and incorporate it into the pins..... kind of defeats the who object of them being unrecognisable to the massess!
Quote by well_busty_babe
can i just point out, even if it was to become the logo, it would not be a good idea to try and incorporate it into the pins..... kind of defeats the who object of them being unrecognisable to the massess!

A very good point, I would also like to remind people that if we wish to keep the pin design a secret everyone should shut-up about its shape, colour etc etc. Pretty soon there is going to be enough information on here for someone to work out what the pin looks like without seeing one. confused
Lets make the SH pin our logo. its simple. we all like it, and it already exists, nice and simple.
Quote by The Muttleys
Lets make the SH pin our logo. its simple. we all like it, and it already exists, nice and simple.

But the whole point of the pin design was that it was only known to those of us that are here already. I personally wouldn't wear the pin if it was on display for all to see and/or find out what it signifies.
Good point angel hun, not awake yet. confused
Cancel my suggestion, you are absolutely correct, we dont want all and sundry knowing what our pins mean. :shock:
Quote by The Muttleys
Lets make the SH pin our logo. its simple. we all like it, and it already exists, nice and simple.

Quote by rogerthedragon
can i just point out, even if it was to become the logo, it would not be a good idea to try and incorporate it into the pins..... kind of defeats the who object of them being unrecognisable to the massess!

A very good point, I would also like to remind people that if we wish to keep the pin design a secret everyone should shut-up about its shape, colour etc etc. Pretty soon there is going to be enough information on here for someone to work out what the pin looks like without seeing one. confused
It's already been said, but isn't the idea of the pin to be unrecognisable unless you actually fulfil the criteria to own one.
Also, at present, it is the intellectual property of a group of people associated with a website, rather than the property of the website owners, and maybe should stay that way.
Quote by vodka_babe22uk
the new one looks like a cock to me

i though it was a cock :shock:
personally what the logo looks like does not bother me dunno
I'm a new boy around here so I suppose I don't have the same attatchments for the "old" or resistance to the "new" as those of you who've been lucky enough to be around here a while, but I actually quite like the angel.
Sure it looks a bit like a rampant dick, but that can't be too bad.....that's been said often enough about me. The colours seem a bit washed out but thats a minor thing. So I guess I'm in the "like it" camp.
On a slightly different, but connected note. The pin/badges that are around definately should be kept private. Obviously I don't qualify for one because of my newness but should I ever get to that illustrious stage I wouldn't want the world knowing what it meant. It's a private club, keep it private ;-)