Has anyone noticed that they have been receiving NEW MESSAGE at SH, then when having logged in, that there is no new messages?
My biew is this: they are trying to 'up' the number of hits on the site in order to increase traffic and ti up the inherent value of the site.
I may be alone in this, but i doubt it...
think they get enough hits on this site without that
its happened 2 us a couple of times but we`re pretty sure its just where we haven`t deleted the new mail message
then again it could be a glitch
this can happen when someone sends you a message, they can check and see if you have read it and until that moment you have they can delete it, so when you log on its no longer there. this is for various reasons, it may no longer be relevent 6 hours after they sent it etc.
i dont think the new owners would have to get hits on the site up, it was thriving enough before they took over with the regular users, enough traffic for the new owners to conssider buying it anyhow.
if it makes you feel better ill pm you now :twisted: lol
xxxx lou xxxx
The only time i noticed it was when i was getting some idiot keep messaging me when i had told him i wasn't interested in him.
When you put some1 on ignore... it still flashes telling you that you have got a new mail untill you read it.