I love it. I have just contacted one person within 5 mins of logging in.
I shall let you know how it goes...
I particularly love the way that it tells you the numbers that it is narrowing the search down to. So I can narrow down my options as much or as little as I wish.
Love it :thumbup:
Much easier to navigate and like the new layout in the results page though while it's much nicer to see thumbnails of faces and torsos, all those cock shots....nearly had me eye out! :shock:
err, is it me or is there no distance from button. all my results were hundreds of miles away
It would be lovely to be able to filter out (no pun intended) smokers.
Smokers option will be put in shortly was on the list to include, but seems to have been removed for this release.
It is coming though very soon!
on the smoking thing, can it be done in a way that it's smoking or non smoking, all the rest are superfluous, same with profiles, people either smoke or don't smoke.
Just had a quick look, and I have 2 'complaints'.
One is that is has an age range function, I did a search using 28 as the lowest age, and it showed me quite a from from 18-28 as well as those within the range i had set.
Also, the distances can be wildly optimistic, i am guessing the mileages are as the crow flies,plus a shortcut, some of the distances shown can be as much as three times what is shown.
Other than that, it is looking good.
The only other thing I would mention is 'last online', it used to be that a profile would say when that was, now it is each day, then anything more than 15 days is 'over two weeks'. Now that could be early april, it could be 2006, is this going to be a feature that stays?
Like the new format, seems quite fast.
One comment : it reports the number of adverts a user has but in a lot of cases, when it says there is one advert when you go to the profile they do not have any ads.
Just me being a perfectionist!
The plan is later, it will expand to show you the adverts listed as well.
The age selection has a problem with it that we hope to fix today or Tuesday so that is already work in progress.
I dont think its intentional, let me check... if there is a way to do it then dont worry we can include it in the update in a few weeks.
new search is great its quick,easy to navigate and user friendly lol
<<<< Faints in shock, no one has whinged on a new function!!
Yes its very good and it sounds as if it will get better as its developed. however we do seem to have lost the ability to distinguish premium members from "free" ones, which means that 80-90% of the people it finds won't be able to message back.
Three observations
The age search seems to be better than before
If photos is selected it only seems to select profiles with just 1 photo
Should profiles not seen for more than 2 weeks come up?
Exclude smokers option is now live under "advanced options". Anyone who has "completed" any of the smoking options will be excluded from the results. I suspect that a lot of people have not completed it in their profile though.
Initial feedback:
Search page
Clunky and not particularly well laid out (hopefully this will be refined in future releases).
Unclear whether selecting multiple options is limiting the results to people who match on an OR or AND basis (e.g. if I select group sex, oral sex and oral sex, does someone need all 3 on their profile to appear?). I'd far prefer the control to choose either option.
I like the way the results numbers change at the top as you select options.
Results page
Layout is far too busy and the important thing (the number of results) is hampered by showing photos and large icons at all times.
I'd prefer a (mainly) text list of search results, and ideally with the option to show the profile photo and the "looking for" icons in a popup when you put your mouse over the member name. I've just done a quick search and have 82 pages to look through for members that are within 40 miles of me. I reckon this would be something like 6 pages if the results were presented better.
The "looking for" icons are all jumbled up for me if I have the browser window at anything other than maximised - I get the last icon in this section appearing underneath the "last seen" bar.
Overall? Better but a long way to go before it's anywhere near slick.
The results for "looking for" aren't always accurate - some appear in search results as "no options set" when there are options when you view the profile.
The results don't tell you the member's sexual orientation.
If you search by distance, the result order goes to pot after page 1.
I'd like to see individual links for each of the search result pages so you could jump straight to page 5 for example.