Am i the only one with no plans? Daz is working till so i'll be in, all alone... :cry:
So... does anyone else have plans? or are you all in like me???
LOL someone asked me this today. I have no plans either
Lol, glad its not just me then!! maybe we should have a party for people who arent going to parties, lol!!
Its all planned and should be a great evening, but no swinging unfortunately!!
I will down at my local have a quiet drink or two and then sweat it off on Monday at Rios
Well, I'm doing the same thing I do every year!!! Bring the bells in sober, then bring the rest of the night in drunk as a skunk at a party. :censored: I'll die from excitement if I do this next year!!!!
I,m in work until 9pm and then back in the next morning at 9 again so theres not much going on here. i did want to go to a swingers party but i'll be lucky to see in the new year!! :cry:
It's my BIRTHDAY on new years eve and even IIIII have no plans!!! what the hell has my life come to!
Well my birthday is on the @nd April if anyone wants to stick that in the calender :twisted: . Any specail b'day pressies for me :twisted:
Yep, we're gonna be there. Looking forward to it.
I intend to go out, but i have no idea where!
Any one know any thing decent happeneing around the Leeds/Bradford area?
We'll be dancing our sox off in Manchester and shagging in a posh hotel. Can't wait!
Sounds good, do you have any more detalis though lol.
Sounds good, do you have any more detalis though lol.