Nobody going to respond to my question ?
Well It's just not very imaginative or unusual in any way, and you'll certainly get nowhere without a pic (NOT just your willy!)
Also "tell me what you'd like to do to me" wouldn't turn on any woman that I ever met.
Firstly welcome to the site
Comments on your add:
If I were you I would include a pic not a cock shot but a pic of you if you don’t want to show your face just blur it out its better for people to have some sort of idea what you look like than none at all.
I wouldn't put the comment "Plus what you would like to do to me if we met up." this may put people off you always start off as friends with someone first so they don’t feel uncomfortable with you then take it from there. I never works out that you meet someone and then your in there bed soon after there always has to be an attraction there.
These are just my thoughts and other people may think differently good luck with everything.
Molly xx
Thanks will have a bit more of a think to post a new one
Welcome to SH ........ it's all been said above and I endorse those views... pop along to the chat room too.... lots of nice ppl in there.... and we like to have a giggle.
Seeing as you are asking for advice.... I'd agree with the above, and add this too, though i may be incorrect. If i am wrong, then the advice still stands as others may be getting it wrong too...
In your Ad' you say you cannot accomodate. Fair enough, I can't either, and I am single, but when I had an Ad' I put in the reason as to why i couldn't. A lot of people who may reply to your Ad' are going to read between the lines that you are married. If you are, then thats down to you and I am not making any comment on it.
Basically what i am saying is that if you are seen to be 100% honest, and explain yourself and your situation, then people respond to honesty. If they think you are hiding something, then they have plenty of other, more open and honest ads, to go choose from...
Welcome to the forum and I hope you get what you came here for
see you around
From one newbie to another ..................... hiya