hiya manicminer!
:welcome: to SH from another loiner! ;)
hope you have fun here!
neil x x x ;)
There you are...... I thought I'd pop into your thread and say Hi and :welcome:
Welcome to Swinging Heaven ManiMiner, have fun on the forum, hope you enjoy it as much as we do x
I love my nanna to bits......... she is one of those ones that feeds you and gives you all her old stuff that she can't give away to her mates and the raffle won't have it cos they only give away tinned food.......
can I give Neil his shovel back yet???
Anyway...... kids say the harshest things.... I don't think you look like my nanna...... :shock:
ffs.... someone get me out of this hole before I sink any further.........
rent out my nanna :shock: ........ surely that would contravene site AUP! :scared:
At Your (spelt with a U) Pleasure?