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newbie joins the cafe

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hi every one i have finaly got my act together and here i am,looking to meet some new and exciting friends,would have put a pic on my advert but i was unfortunate enough to get burgled last saturday and my didgital camera went with a load of other stuff,(what can you do) the police wernt much help they turned up two days after i reported the break in(whats the point) anyway better crack on t.
thanks for replying really nice of you,can you tell me a bit about you
Hello and welcome to the mad house!
Hope you have fun.
As a newbie, at least to the site, it's nice to see another virgin poster jumping in.
We were thinking serously about putting up our joint first post, when we came across Sgt Bilko's declaration of war.
Wow! Heads ducked quickly behind the parapet and a rethink occurred.
Spend a bit more time getting to know the site and look at the responses to other newbies tentative first steps. looked like wiser move. Observation shows that flatterring the moderators seems to be worthwhile. But neither of us has an OBN.
Hopefully though, this will start the ball rolling.
PS I think Bilko has got a good point, really.
Cheers to all
Wanna buy a camera, cheap, no questions asked, oops bolt
Welcome to the site Racer and really hope you get your camera back (or at least a decent replacement).
Have fun lol
Cooeeeeeeee Racer, welcome to the cafe. :cheers: Here's a beer to help you settle in. biggrin
Can i have a beer to ? lol
Welcome Racer...New member here also smile