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Me and hubby sat here are new to this!!!! biggrin Anyone help? redface
If I can. Whats the problem??
No probs just new to this scene...any advice helps :shock:
Smile, have a good time and keep on posting here.
hi n welcome biggrin . best advice i can give is ,, enjoy the forums , join in when you feel like , get yourselves known and others will get to know you . The journey to paradise always starts with a small first step wink :wink: :wink: .xxxx
In that case then, hello and welcome to the Swinging Heaven forums. Like Horous says, join in the threads, get yourself known, and you will soon think that you had been here forever. Because leaving here is a lot harder than joining lol :lol:
Quote by 38dd
No probs just new to this scene...any advice helps :shock:

Yeah... the deal is, you and your partner have to be physically validated by a random older member of SH.. and guess what? It's my turn!!!
he he just joking ..welcome to the forum... hope to hear more from you
Quote by Maia
No probs just new to this scene...any advice helps :shock:

Yeah... the deal is, you and your partner have to be physically validated by a random older member of SH.. and guess what? It's my turn!!!
he he just joking ..welcome to the forum... hope to hear more from you
When do you validate me Maia?
hello and welcome to :swingingchair: heaven 38dd
just koin in and enjoy yourselves
take it at your own pace
Quote by Maia
No probs just new to this scene...any advice helps :shock:

Yeah... the deal is, you and your partner have to be physically validated by a random older member of SH.. and guess what? It's my turn!!!
he he just joking ..welcome to the forum... hope to hear more from you
Got me blushin, hubby up for more!!!!
Welcome :welcome: and if you want some advice, don't ask me lol
Hey nice to meet another newbie......left a response for ya to get onto the chatroom....hope it helps a bit... is a bit vague but like you am new and i am definitely not a techie!!!!
Quote by 38dd
Got me blushin, hubby up for more!!!!

Up for more?? Honey, I haven't even got started yet! wink
While he is 'up', you might want to give him a little stroke on behalf of the SH welcoming committee..... biggrin
Just puttin porn on..gettin in the mood for a stiff one..wish U where here....
see, my good deed of the day done....