...just had an idea :idea: :idea: ....see post to cat02_dave......why don't we Newbies organise our own 'munch'(s) and social get togethers, drink at the pub, 'ramble' or walk...whatever. Could be local or regional...could be at short notice...and of course if some of the 'vouched for' and 'validated' SH membership want to come...then all they need to do is ask
....we would all start at the same hurdle....nervous and green.....saves the risk of putting face photos into the public domain, we could vouch for each other.....but more than all of that...we may find it fun, make new friends and even find some of us fancy each other for fun and frolics.....presumably the main reason why we all joined in the first place!
....of course we can only be Newbies for so long ...perhaps one year from date of joining SH...which is in your profile and easily verified...and then we should all have gained enough confidence and validity to merge easliy into the 'grown ups' section of SH
.....feed back please Newbies. ....lets see where we can take this idea :idea: :idea: ....which of course may be the 'waste paper' bin, but worth a try
regards and welcolm to all you other newbies
Risen Phoenix