Why do you have the nickname you have?
mine is cause i'm a newbie to swingin, i was a student until i graduated this year, and the year is 2004 (duh!) newbie_student2004
I thought of posting this cause i'm wondering idf MrWriter actually likes the Sterophonics???
oh yeah, please.... i'm beggin you..... don't bother posting the stupid obvious names like..... well_hung_sexgod... it's not intresting and wasn't a very clever name to start with!
Dawn, my real name, from the Midlands. Original or what!
My chatroom name.......Horny_Dawie. A name Ian_Mids gave me a few years ago. I just need to work out why :giggle:
Dawn :silly:
kewl.... there's still a story behind every one... ;)
My name does not take much to sort either, I’m 6ft 5, long hair, and a short trimmed beard.
Actually I don’t look like a monkey that’s been put in a suit and then strategically shaved (Blackadder, don’t you love it) but I do with my hair down look 'Hairy'. At least from the neck up...
Very simple here my real name is dave the j is added because its what I use as part of my email address and I simply cant remember too many variations. Just for good measure the avator is of Zebedee a character that only the forty somethings will remember but a representation of a simplicity of life that is long gone.
only in my 20s and i remeber magic roundabout... used to be on about 2am on Cartoon Network. Think they repeat it for the younger generation... they rock!
Something to do with erectile flesh but I'm beginning to regret it now.
We're dazandlou cos we are : Daz and Lou. at the time we couldnt think of anything more original, lol!!!!
:laughabove: Sorry but gadgetman sounds like you test toys on offence intended.