Hmm me running scared SPANGLE, never, The pride of Derbyshire is on the line..
Using the excuse you were at a club last night.. and you just were in the jacuzi, we have baths and showers up here, and know what to do in clubs.
As for,
Let the fox see the "rabbitt"
My skill and ability goes before me!! now whos been telling, Just one thing Spangle, im battery free :twisted: and better.
Oh and as for the pickling Jar, hmm well you will be one polo without a hole, more of a Trebor Mint
Ill use your pliers to peel off your tin knickers, They havnt decovered faberic in Liecestershire.
The power drill to driil and plug em to the walkers stadium.
And you wont be in any fit state to bother about the other bits and pieces, Mind over Metal, Trebor mint, you want proof,
I wasnt invited to Blue and Satens party!!!!!!!!! and that was just mild, look at em dropping like flys, waiting and willing.
Come out Come out where ever you are. :twisted:
P.S Wilki Im better than "Cillet Bang". :twisted: :sparring: